Haven Ai

One step for Homelessness Around the world, almost 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. If all of the plastic bottles sold in 2018 were gathered in a pile, it would be higher than the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. What we are going to do with the Plastic bottles? Deposit … Read more

Blind Faith in A.I.

Setting the Scene In today’s digital landscape, our interactions are increasingly mediated by technology itself rather than as a medium for human communication. This shift creates an illusion of connectivity while fostering isolation, often trapping us in algorithm-driven echo chambers that reinforce our beliefs. Artificial intelligence now guides our lives, listening, learning, and providing information … Read more

Neuro-Sensitive Spatial Biophilia

We are daily exposed to negative environments and situations in our daily lives, such as city noise, spending a lot of time indoors, lack of greenery, and long working hours. Studies have shown that we spend 35 hours per week in such conditions and that stress is a major cause of illnesses. The best stress … Read more

Neuroimmersive Space: User-Centric Adaptive AI-Generated Virtual NeuroArchitecture

Our surroundings influence our cognitive-emotional processes and shape our physical, psychological, and social well-being in a variety of ways every day. Can neurotechnology and VR technology help us in conceiving user-centric adaptive spatial experiences, where both the space and the user are in a constant mutation—a continuous feedback loop and the space itself becomes an active … Read more

Neuro-Sensitive Spatial Biophilia

We are daily exposed to negative environments and situations in our daily lives, such as city noise, spending a lot of time indoors, lack of greenery, and long working hours. Studies have shown that we spend 35 hours per week in such conditions and that stress is a major cause of illnesses. The best stress … Read more


Ready Player One presents a contrasting scenario between real world urban environments and virtual urban environments. This setting is shaped by a culture of video games that promotes individual competition, gendered imaginaries, conflict narratives and a militarized mindset. Real world urban skyscrapers are depicted as loop-sided pyramids designed to house large numbers of immigrants in … Read more


Harmonising Coastal Futures, Restoring Balance in China’s Maritime , A Speculation of Communal Synergy in the context of Houtouwan THE PROBLEM // RESOURCE EXPLOITATION | OVER FISHING China’s over fishing crisis looms large, statistics revealing a stark reality of declining marine resources. With the majority of the worlds fishing resources coming from China, the country has … Read more


In the field of architecture, VR and AR are new attempts. The challenge of this project is how to use them as expressions and implement them in society. My idea was to load the images on a smartphone, from which the world and architecture would unfold and be explained in three dimensions at the touch … Read more

Jasper’s Diner

A virtual reality (VR) experience, Jasper’s Diner immerses users in a lively and unpredictable diner environment, where every interaction impacts the world around them. Our everyday choices, specifically food consumption, have significant environmental consequences. The purpose of our VR experience is to show users in a funny and ridiculous way how meat consumption contributes to … Read more


#Feelit context Aim: Experiencing the news in a different way , To make you feel by making you experience the news with physical sensations and enhanced visual effects. it’s a comment on human desensitization.  POTENTIAL APPLICATION AND USERS OVERALL WORKFLOW Software UNREAL ENGINE Unreal was used to create the environment of the AR experience , … Read more

Peacock Immersive Experience

Concept Most of Virtual Experiences are designed and model for humans and by humans. In this scenario believe the overall concept is that the game platform is seen from the perspective of an animal. References Aim “Our goal is to offer humans a unique experience through the eyes of a peacock. This game platform immerses … Read more


Reimagining a Human Settlement on the Red Planet Envisioning a self-sustained colony on Mars, our primary focus is on revolutionizing transportation within the red planet. Sustainability is our guiding principle as we design an efficient transportation system that seamlessly connects habitats across various clusters. Incorporating Tensegrity moving parts, Inflatable lightweight structures, and a Hexagonal Grid framework, our approach embraces a Kit-Of-Part methodology. Following … Read more

Zero Waste Project| Project Media

An important tool for illustrating a project’s potential is visualization. Architectural visualization clearly conveys the project’s design concept through intricate 3D renderings and animations, enabling stakeholders to understand the development’s potential and vision. Through the use of sophisticated rendering techniques, visualization offers viewers accurate representations of architectural elements, materials, and lighting conditions, allowing them to … Read more

Urban Alliance – Project Media

In the realm of architectural design and presentation, visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying ideas, concepts, and designs to clients and stakeholders. With advancements in technology, architectural visualization has evolved tremendously, offering architects and designers a multitude of tools and techniques to bring their visions to life. Among these tools, Lumion stands out as … Read more

Pykémon: Gotta catch ’em all!

Introduction Pokémon GO, the groundbreaking augmented reality mobile game developed by Niantic, has revolutionized the gaming industry since its launch in 2016. With millions of players worldwide, the game transcends traditional gaming boundaries by integrating virtual creatures known as Pokémon into real-world environments. As players explore their surroundings, they encounter Pokémon spawns in various locations, … Read more


FOR ON-SITE GUIDANCE AND PRECISION CONSTRUCTION ABSTRACT : Abstract Against the backdrop of declining productivity levels within the construction industry since the 1990s, as highlighted by McKinsey, the digital-physical convergence signifies a paradigm shift in construction practices. The discussion delves into the current state and recent advancements in BIM and AR technologies, noting the recent … Read more

Unreal Engine: NUSANTARA

Abstract In response to Indonesia challenges, of relocating its capital from Jakarta, we unveil Nusantara, a visionary urban project nestled in the Borneo jungle. Promising a harmonious blend of nature and technology, Nusantara offers sustainable living, AI-driven experiences, and cultural richness. However, beneath its shimmering facade lies a deeper irony. While Nusantara symbolizes progress, it … Read more


In the year 2044, escalating city taxes have rendered travel to major urban centers unattainable for many, ushering in a period of decline for once-thriving cities. However, Rome emerges as a beacon of innovation, reversing its tax policies and spearheading the transformative “La Bolla” project. Through this initiative, Rome reclaims its status as a vibrant … Read more

Studies on Fractal Growth – Computational Desing II

The term “fractal” was coined by the mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975. Mandelbrot based it on the Latin fr?ctus, meaning “broken” or “fractured”, and used it to extend the concept of theoretical fractional dimensions to geometric patterns in nature In mathematics, a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually … Read more