A new look on a a Tropical Residential Scheme where 40% 0f the building program is used for Recreational and Commercial Activities.


The site chosen is that of Kpeshie Lagoon, in Accra, Ghana. The site over looks the lagoon and is surrounded by trees. The site is close to the sea and is surrounded by the fishermen community. The site is a peri urban environment covering an area of 4000sq.m. The site was formerly a large site for the fishermen community. the goal is to bring back the community to the site and aid in the restoration process.


Sun Shading Charts, Wind Analysis and Humidity Graphs for Accra Ghana




The diagram shows the key design elements used in the deign and the graph shows the primary strategies and the degree to which it is utilized.

Being the primary strategy used in the design, most issues can be solved by providing ample ventilation in the design. Ventilation caters to Humidity, Cooling, Air Circulation and Indoor Comfort.

With the large overhangs the sun shading allows for cooler interior spaces and also ensure that the heavy rains do not enter the house.

The courtyards and patios serve the purpose of creating a cyclic coolin system and also aids ventilation. the large patios ensures that the indoor rooms are not in direct contact with the harsh heat.

The Stilts ensures that the heat from the land does not increase the temperature of the house through conduction and allows for wind to flow.


Volumetric Form Development for the Prototype
Plans & Sections showing the Climatic Analysis based on orientation and seasons

The module was designed keeping in mind several climatic data for the site. This was reflected through the design of the roof, the large patios surrounding the house, the porous fenestrations, the courtyards, overhangs and the stilts. These ensured that the structure’s facade was designed specifically for every requirement.

Climate Analysis for the Prototype
Material Tectonics highlighting the different materials and techniques explored in the prototype that will be reflected in the scaled up design

The primary material is that of Timber, additionally, cane is also used as a porous material that allows for easy ventilation and sun shading. The materials are chosen based on the location and proximity to the site. These materials have been acclimatized to the climate and have been used in the vernacular architecture of Ghana. The wooden fins and the design features are fit for ensuring that the structure is thermodynamically designed to allow for ideal internal thermal comfort.


The learning from the prototype are now applied at a larger scale.

Volumetric Form Development for the Residential Building
Program & Zoning showing functions, culture and layout

The design reflects the transition from public to semi-public to semi-private to private. This patten is also observed in the traditional layouts and is used as the guiding principle for the zoning and scheming of the design. This is then applied to the grid derived from the form development and creates the different layers of the structure to highlight the open spaces and patios.

Schematic Plans showing Program Layout
Unit Plans

Each unit is designed keeping the strategies applied in the prototype and in doing so each unit has a private courtyard and additionally a semi private courtyard. The primary public functions are spread across the ground floor and are create a throughfare that allows for the functions to blend into one another. Each unit is surrounded with a secondary facade that aids in the correct sun shading and ventilation.

Through the climate analysis it is made clear that the strategies applied for the understanding of thermodynamic fabrications shows that the structure maintains ideal and comfortable temperatures for its users both internally and externally.

Through the Thermodynamic workshop with Javier, we learnt how to design holistically based on the site climate, context and prioritizing the thermal comfort and achieving sustainability through the lenses of thermodynamics. Allowing architecture to unite people, culture, traditions, activities, materials and geography. The aim is to use vernacular ideologies retrofitted into the modern world and creating a synergy between Man, Nature and Architecture.