
After leaving printed specimen to dry inside the tank for at least three days, it is excavated by hand and excess powder is removed using brushes. The brushed specimen was then left to dry for four more days.

Process: Firing in Kiln

The firing had to be stopped, firing process has to be repeated with a mixture of clay and salt only to study the behaviour of salt with high temperatures.
At temperature range 200-250 C, noticeable amount of smoke was exhausted, due to the organic content of starch in the clay.

Depth of Specimen: 10 cm
Height of Specimen: 8 cm
Nozzle Diameter: 8 cm
Tool: Lutum Piston
Air Pressure: 3-4 bar
Speed: 9 mm/sec
Depth of Specimen: 10 cm
Height of Specimen: 8 cm
Nozzle Diameter: 8 cm
Tool: Lutum Piston
Air Pressure: 3-4 bar
Speed: 9 mm/sec