Based on natural phenomenon_ Topography of trabecular architecture

  • Our bones adapt and remodel according to external and internal factors, with the overarching goal of optimizing their maximum potential.
  • The organic shaped structure supports the bone integrity, while allow bone marrow to generate vital cells to sustain animal body.
  • Through Lloyd’s algorithm and Voronoi model, we could visualize how cells form cohesion structure to reach optimal position and gaps.

Research Question _ Design an optimal Voronoi based building

We can start with volume

  • To generate the minimal volume range in Voronoi structure.

Then to see how to structure

  • Use Karamba 3D, Wallacei / Galapagos to calculate & generate optimal structure capacity and utilization.
  • Finally, we come up with proposal, We could add more parameters depending on the requirements.

Fitness values parameters_ Building Elements

 Building elements_ Pseudo coding

Volume optimization_ (Semi) Lloyd’s Relaxation

Since Lloyd’s algorithm require multiple iterations to achieve the most optimal position, a single iteration has been set to skip the endeavour. To further fine tune the points position,  each original points to its generated voronoi cell’s distances have been quantified.

Therefore we could use optimizer to search for the minimal volume range ratio. In this case, we were able to track each points movement range as well.

Volume optimization_ Evolutionary selection

For evolutionary selection, first divide the geometry into equally distributed points. Then, use a gene pool with 20 genes to run the optimization.

Using Wallacei helps identify the pareto front and better manage multiple fitness values. With this tool, we can effectively control solid Voronoi geometry. Now, it’s time to proceed to structural analysis.

How to structure?

Using Karamba 3D, we could set up the cross section diameters for every elements. Thus we could extract the minimized material weights and optimal structure behavior.

Combining previous fitness values, we could calculate various values and seek out the safest geometry composition.

Environmental analysis_ Ladybug Sun analysis

  • Voronoi Windows

A Voronoi facade is made for the project, the amount of cells is decided by the same value of space values.

  • Solid Walls

Some windows are set to be solid walls to reduce the over transparent facade. The values are set to pick cell areas that are smaller than 20 % of the average.

Same facade pattern can be used as vision analysis, this is also a fitness value.

Optimization process

After 100 generations, we could select any generation and showcasing the pareto front solutions. Also, we could check the diamond fitness chart to have a more intuitive selection process. In this case, the gen 99 individuals have been selected.

With 8 various fitness values, we could picked individuals based on each traits performance. In this case Gen96 // Ind 26 appears to have the most average of fitness rank, though having the lower vision rate, it has scored fruitfully in other fitness values output.