Wave is a phenomenon of transferring the energy from atmospheric wind motion to the sea surface activated by wind energy, with periods from 3 to 20 seconds sea waves energize renewable power generation. Vital for coastal regions, refreshing sea breezes reduce the temperature by an average of 2-5 degrees. So as architects, we decided to create an eco structure that will be enriched by the rhythmic motion of sea waves and hold the capability to store the water and cool itself down.

Phase 01 Understanding the wave

Through the device we created to observe waves we asked ourselves questions like: What is the frequency? What is the height? What can break the wave? 

Phase 02 Smallest Architecture

The concept was to delicately insert the piece of architecture amidst the transition of the sea waves in a way that the energy of the wave could be converted into the mist in a very optimal way in order to create a comfort zone in the climatic condition of the Balearic sea shore.

Design phase Smallest Architecture


Construction phase

Model 1:5

Phase 03 SSB

The circulation between the blocks is transparent all along the side. The common areas and terraces to observe the waves are located between the residential blocks. Meanwhile, the blocks are connected to each other by passages. All units have different shapes to create diverse splashes.

Units Typology Catalog