The concept of our proposal seeks to integrate into a building a residential program implemented with the incorporation of nature, creating ecosystems where people and nature can coexist.




Structurally speaking, we wanted to transfer the general concept of the project to the structure by adopting sinuous geometries that respond simultaneously to its structural loads and to the organic nature of this proposal.



Finite Elements Model

In order to perform the calculations with Karamba3D we have made a simplification of the model in different parts that we will incorporate in the following way:
Linear Elements



Surface Elements



Structural Diagrams
3D Model

Structural Logic

Karamba 3D
Preliminary Steps

The structural simplification of the proposal is made up of different elements. On the one hand, the load of the residen- tial modules housed in the building will be uniformly simplified by a load of 4KN/m2. This load will be distributed by the floors that support it and these Ladd will transport in two ways: on the one hand the concrete cores that work in compression and on the other hand the former tensioned structures that hang from the building’s trusses.
Structural Design Exploration

From a structural perspective, the displacements and utilization of each element that constitutes the structure are analyzed. In this case, a displacement of 4 cm is achieved, and in terms of utilization, a maximum utilization of 99% is observed. The structure can be further optimized in subsequent processes. It is noted that the largest displacements and the highest utilization of the ecosystems have not been analyzed at this stage, though they would still have the capacity for further development in certain sections.
Additionally, in these trusses, it can be observed how the tensioners emerging from them contribute to generating loads that support the rest of the slabs. Regarding the main pillars, which are part of the vertical communication core, they are shown in this document as being supported by the foundations on the ground. These pillars also illustrate how the loads from the floors are transmitted to these large cores.
Materials and CO2 Emissions

Regarding the materials used for the structure, C500 concrete and S400 steel were chosen for their strength and ability to withstand the high loads produced by the cantilevers and the vegetation present in the ecosystems. While the ecosystems provide natural benefits, it is important to consider that this structural effort also generates a significant amount of CO2. In particular, the steel contributes heavily to embodied CO2 emissions, with a value of 2.77 in this case.
S400 steel generates significant CO2 emissions, with 1 kilogram of material producing 400 kilograms of CO2. In this case, efforts to reduce material usage should focus primarily on the floors of the apartments, as they represent the largest mass in the structure—203,000 tons of concrete.
It would be crucial, both at this stage and in subsequent analyses, to determine how much of the steel could be reused, as it is the most expensive material per kilogram. Additionally, understanding how the environmental impact of the structure could be offset by its role in supporting ecosystems at various heights would help to justify and optimize its design.