In this project, we explore computational design tools within Grasshopper to design a pavilion in Plaça de la Universitat, here in Barcelona. This plaza is located in the Eixample District and it gets its name from its close proximity to the historic building of the University of Barcelona.
Additionally, we develop the methodology for the fabrication and assembly of this pavilion. BOSQUIA is inspired by the canopies found in forests; we explore light and shadow in our design as the perforations scattered throughout the structure invites light into the space underneath. To further highlight this, we scripted the design such that the perforations grow bigger with the height of the pavilion. The varying radii of each trunk are also meant to mimic the varying tree sizes in nature.

Referential Work

Referential Work Logics

Main Components & Parameters

Pseudo Code


Grasshopper Script

Complete Script Image

Form Finding & Iterations

Fabrication & Assembly Methodology

The pavilion is composed of trapezoidal pieces that have 4 perforations near each edge so that they can be attached to each other. Every piece has an edge that aligns with the adjacent piece.

Close up view of the laser-cutting file

The laser-cutting file showing all the pieces
Each piece of the pavilion is set to be laser cut. In the images below, every piece has been laid out onto a grid with its corresponding tag in order to match all the pieces together.


Render 01 | Made with Lumion & Photoshop

Render 02 | Made with Lumion & Photoshop

Render 03 | Made with Lumion & Photoshop
BuildGreenNewHomes. Organic Canopy of Whimsical Light.
Li, Ruibo. Huanglong Waterfront Bamboo Pavilion. 27 Apr. 2021,
Matter Design. La Voûte de LeFevre.
UB Historic Building. 30 May 2022,