Playtronica introduction video

This project is based on my personal impression when I was a teenager in 2013. A Russian startup called “Playtronica” appeared suddenly in every public space in Moscow. The concept was that you can connect basically anything to the main board and, by manipulating the special program, your touch would create certain sounds. These “handmade” synthesizers quickly became very popular, and people were making music everywhere: workshops, festivals, inside of installations. This looked like absolute magic and was also unaffordable for me, the 16 year old teenager

This quite sentimental project is inspired by the Playtronica devices and can be used as a children’s toy, a part of installation, or as entertainment during a party

How does it work?

Electricity chain

Essentially, it’s a controller that utilizes conductivity to activate sounds. By linking one cable to yourself and another to a conductive object or material, you establish a safe electric circuit. When you touch the conductive object or material, you close the circuit, thus initiating the musical sounds.

Some materials/objects that are conductive:

  • fruits/vegetables/organics
  • liquids
  • metals
  • human body
  • plants
Project as a children toy
Party activity
Art installation

To assemble the device you will need:

Then follow the instructions below:

Code instructions