For our concept; we decided to used different level In opposition with the current sacristy. During the visit of the building we were a bit disappointed to see that this elegant shape composed of 12 parboloid was divided in 4 different floor that canceled kinda the benefit that the shape brought to the visitor experience. That’s why we decided to used these smaller slab that are developed around a central axis.






The concept is composed of a lift that comes aside to the stars which is developed along the facade. We decided to work on these 2 elements in a relative different ways, the stairs are directly inspire by the geometry that gaudy developed in the sagrada; we used sets of rules surface that unifies the stairs, the slab and also the bodyguard. The lift is inspired by the twisted elements that are used for the spiral stairs in the sagrada. This is not only an aesthetic choice because the lift can rotate on itself to be able to reach the slab that are located around it.
As I was explaining before the slabs are directly linked to the staircase trough a set of paraboloid. We decided to work on the bottom part of it trough 2 main element. The first being the column, which we choose to bring our own variation of it. As we saw before the column are composed of set of polygon that are rotated throughout the main axis to give them this small twisted feeling. We choose to bend it as for us the integration with our proposal was more relevant; and also the combination with the hyperboloid perforation facade.
. SLAB .



For the pattern of our facade; we started to deconstruct the geometry in his 12 different side. After that, we tried different iteration as your saw previously, but our composition finally started from a diagrid. However we had to deal with the connection between the faces themselves; for the edges we then decided to divide the amount of item by two and replace the removing item by ornemetation that bring hierarchy to the building and the 4 main different orientation as his ground floor plan is square based.
The pattern is composed of different layer of variation the first being the size of the opening that varies in function of the distance they are from a slab but also depending how close there are from the top. As soon as they get closer to top the inner circle’s diameter increase. On the other side also make variation with the angle of incline of the paraboloid themselves.This part of the process started by oriented the holes to the spatial center of the building and then we started analysing how the incidence of the sun could transform the atmosphere inside of our building as it’s Been in the sagrada with a large gamma of colour; we wanted to recreated these variation throughout angle and side of pipe light tunnel that gets out of these Element. However this process is not complete at all, but our main goal in the pursue of the development of this project is to be able to really combine the shadow impact that sagrada has on the sacristy.