Industry Setup Relevance: 

ABMS could be a twist on traditional manufacturing by using software agents to control different parts of the process. Imagine a factory where machines, workstations, and even software programs aren’t just following instructions but can somewhat act and decide independently. This helps in faster problem-solving mechanisms and could help reduce human intervention in automated systems.

A little about our studio project:


“To develop an efficient processing strategy for end-of-life dimensional timber so that it can be repurposed in a design for disassembly workflow for temporary structures.”

Figure 1: A black box that represents our project system.
Figure 2: Methodology of our Studio Project

Agent-based Manufacturing System


Figure 3: Workflow of the complete system
Figure 4: Agents in our system

Goals and Sub-Goals

Figure 5: Hierarchy of Goals and Subgoals.

Communication between agents

Figure 6: Communication & Database access between agents.

Agents – Roles – Goals

Figure 7: Agents – Roles – Goals


Linear Workflow:  Do not start until the last one finishes.

Proxy Leader: If one of the processes malfunctions, the next one takes over for all the data already available until the supervisor fixes the process.

Deadlines:   Agents must complete tasks and achieve milestones within the set timeframe,   prioritizing safety and precision throughout.

Conflict communication

Negotiation: This will be based on a weighted average of all the parameters and priority of the agent’s action. The higher one takes priority.

Agents – Roles – Actions

Figure 8: Agents – Roles – Actions

System Overview

Figure 9: System Overview