The Bamboo Integrative Design system harnesses the natural versatility and strength of bamboo to create adaptable, sustainable architectural solutions. This system is particularly suited to locations that benefit from eco-friendly, renewable materials, responding thoughtfully to both the social and environmental nuances of its setting.

Incorporating parametric design principles, the Bamboo Integrative Design system allows for a high degree of customisation. Each structure can be uniquely tailored to its specific context, considering factors like site topography, climate, and cultural significance. The bamboo elements themselves are chosen for their environmental credentials. Grown rapidly and harvested sustainably, bamboo represents a construction material with a minimal carbon footprint. It sequesters carbon, enhances biodiversity, and can be locally sourced, reducing transportation emissions. The use of bamboo in this innovative system underscores a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development, providing a blueprint for future architectural Ecuador that seek to harmonize with nature.

Computational Process Flow for Bamboo Structure

Computational Process Flow for Parametrization of Multiple Systems

Structural Diagrams- Load Application and Structural Systems

Other Bamboo Iterations

Constructive Details and System Materialization

Site Implementation


Material Traceback

Architectural Drawings