Site Analysis & Research
The evolution of architecture over the last decades brought challenges on joint cooperation between architecture professionals. Digitalization of processes and introduction to interdisciplinary teams made this process specially challenging. This work sample is a demo of a collaborative workflow between 2 people inside one project, while this same project is a part of a bigger integrated network.
The objective of this sample is depicting the cooperation workflows between agents along the process of creation and detailing, while developing the project into BIMSC – – studio. The project brief consists in a martian colony generated for 50 people and able to expand until 300 people, and it’s preestablished functions. The introduction stage consists in a joint research phase and outline of a master plan, that stage involves 7 groups directly. The project is an active exploration of applied modeling technology to the creation of a martian colony.
Phase 01 – Research:
The research served as foundation ground to all procedures, techniques and decision-making.
The starting point was mapping the environmental conditions, resources and technologies available, which lead to a site with possibility of expansion and partial protection from dust storms. In extreme scenarios, informed choices are crucial.

Concept Development
The designated function of a Spiritual center was reinterpreted as:
“Spiritual center is a mystical place to connect within yourself, where you achieve mental, physical and emotional peace”
The neutrality and acceptance of all people and all beliefs are the main rulers of conceptual choices. Based on common grounds, the preliminary research used the main aspects present in most cultures: water, sound (chants) and nature (vegetation), joint to the earthly feeling of simulated gravity.

Outer Shell


In order to keep the same earth gravity in the Mobius track,and create different gravity for other two different function tracks, we create different track with various radius and angle.

We abstracted the triangle as our design symbol. Using this basic shape as the cross section of our tracks. Each track simulate different earth environment inside, for different function.

We use the abstracted triangle as the cross section of the track.
The traffic tower in the middle is the core area that connects and supports this tracks, and these elevators will transport users to the different tracks.
Since adding a protective layer directly to the centrifugal orbit would greatly increase the weight of the structure, we designed a separate 3D-printed ice outer layer to protect the interior space.

Documentation set:
The project was developed in Grasshopper, analyzed through ladybug and karamba, used speckle as the main interoperation tool and documented with rhino inside Revit and native Revit workflows
