Brick by Brick app provides architects and designers with a powerful tool for creating custom brick facade designs. By allowing users to input wall curves, heights, and rotation controls, it enables the creation of intricate patterns that would be challenging to achieve manually. The app’s ability to compute material quantities and labor costs streamlines the design process, making it essential for projects requiring detailed brickwork customization.

Working Idea:
Brick by Brick app allows users to input a wall curve and wall height. The wall curve is a single-line curve that determines the path of the wall on which the user wants to generate a pattern. With the wall curve and height input, the app generates a basic brick wall along the curve. Users can then input rotation controls, where the degree of rotation specifies the degree by which a brick rotates in relation to the brick below, creating varied patterns.

Interface Elements :
The interface is designed with three main components to streamline user interaction: the left sidebar, the central viewport, and the right sidebar.
- Left Sidebar: This section is dedicated to user inputs. It starts with the project description to provide context. The second part allows users to input a curve either by uploading a 3dm file or by specifying the wall height. The third part provides rotation controls, enabling users to create various patterns.
- Central Viewport: The central portion of the interface is where users can view the geometry based on their inputs and adjustments made using the rotation controls.
- Right Sidebar: The right sidebar displays the computed results and metadata. It includes the number of metal rods required, the number of bricks needed, and the labor cost in rupees. Additionally, this section features a convenient download 3dm file button, allowing users to download the 3D model for further integration into their projects.
This layout ensures that users can easily navigate through the app, input their parameters, visualize the results, and access the necessary data for their projects.
Show-Help Button :
The ‘Show Help’ button for rotation controls provides users with guidance on how to use rotation controls A and B to create alternating brick control patterns. This feature enhances user understanding and usability, ensuring that users can easily leverage the app’s full capabilities for creating intricate brick patterns.

Working App :
The below video provides a comprehensive overview of the app, demonstrating how its various controls enable users to create customized brick patterns. It showcases the simplicity and effectiveness of the app’s interface, highlighting its ability to streamline the design process for architects and designers.