Computational Design Analysis
For the 2015 Expo at Milan, a New York based studio: Studio Link-Arc paired with Tsinghua University in China to design and build the China Pavilion. The idea was to showcase China’s deep connection to both the cities and the countryside that reside within its borders. To do this the pavilion is created from a series of parametric curves which have been lofted to become rectilinear. These curves have then been manipulated at certain points to allow for openings in the surface.


This pavilion is created from a series of curves which have been lofted to become rectilinear. Certain curves have then been called out and manipulated individually to create a new curve which was then lofted. This was done with two separate curves.
Panels attached to the surface also been created parametrically in their rotation and subsequent grid pattern.

Rafters and Beams

Lofts and Surfaces
