Foot.print(finder) is an accessible webtool for life cycle assessment of facades materials.

  1. Choose the structural material.
  2. Set approximate size of the building.
  3. Exterior adjustments: openings, module size, corner type…
Info on display will show the volume of materials and the equivalent KgCO2 that costed to the environment.



Five different materials to test:





Calculations behind the tool:

The calculations of the app are based in a fixed 35 centimeters facade, variating the proportions of material thickeness.
After setting the numerical values of embedded kilograms of CO2, these are multiplied by surface and density of the materials in the facade.

The data used in the analysis comes from Bombyx, an experimental tool designed by the ETH and based on the Switzerland database.
Link: Bombyx-ETH/Bombyx2: Parametric tool for calculating CO2 (
Github: bimsc23-datamgmt-session06/src/submissions/albertocarro at albertocarro · iaac-macad/bimsc23-datamgmt-session06 (