KidsCross is a project invented in order to deal with a well known and severe problem around schools. Children are permitted to independently cross streets at the age of 9, and many of them walk to school without adult supervision. However, even though most schools are not situated on main roads, the path becomes perilous during rush hours when there is a high volume of cars surrounding the schools. In an attempt to address this issue, educators have proposed a solution involving the training of older students. These students would assist during rush hours and take responsibility for managing pedestrian traffic at crosswalks near the school area. This initiative, aims to mitigate the risks associated with traffic, yet the problem remains far from resolved, as the designated older students are still quite young.
The KidsCross is an automated system that can effectively address the problem with the use of ultrasonic sensors that continuously monitor pedestrian activity near the crosswalk by measuring the distance to objects using ultrasonic sound waves.

User work-flow
Mechanism operation
An ultrasonic sensor is used to continuously monitor pedestrian activity near the crosswalk. When the system detects movement, a second ultrasonic sensor activates to check for the presence of cars on the street. Once it confirms that the road is clear, a servo motor is triggered to open a barrier, allowing pedestrians to cross safely. The gate remains open as long as pedestrians are crossing, closing only when it recognizes the absence of further pedestrian movement, thus permitting vehicles to resume their passage.

Code strategy

Bill of Materials

Circuit illustration


Final prototype

Pedestrians user-flow

Drivers user-flow