
This manifesto champions interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing inspiration from Luis Fraguada’s transformative work in ‘Robots in Gastronomy and Fashion Technology’. His achievements underscore the immense potential of exploring the intersection of design, technology, gastronomy, fashion, and more, filling us with optimism and hope. Join us on this journey to unearth hidden synergies and boundless possibilities.

Core Principles:

Embrace Diverse Expertise:

Collaborative settings benefit from diverse viewpoints. Various professions, such as engineers, designers, chefs, and fashion designers, have distinct strengths and perspectives. Promoting inclusivity that recognises these differences can lead to a plethora of ideas, leading to unique solutions.

Leverage Technological Advancements: 

The potential of technology is immense, acting as a powerful driving force. There are endless possibilities, from incorporating wearable tech into clothing to printing food in 3D. We can create a future full of innovative applications by leveraging these advancements.

Champion Collaborative Creation:

Synergy is fostered by collaboration. When we combine our talents, share ideas, and strive towards a common goal, we can accomplish incredible things beyond what any individual could achieve alone.

Pursue Purposeful Innovation:

In order to make a meaningful contribution, it is crucial to innovate with a purpose. Whether it’s finding solutions to global hunger through 3D-printed meals or transforming the fashion industry with sustainable materials, our goal is to make a positive impact.

Dream Boldly, Act with Resolve:

Exploration is necessary for innovation. We need courage and determination to venture beyond our comfort zones, much like learning to ride a bike. This manifesto encourages us to embrace ambitious ideas, take calculated risks, and embark on a collaborative journey of discovery that can redefine the world around us.

Example – is an online platform by Luis Fraguada that aims to facilitate interdisciplinary connections between individuals from different fields. By promoting the exchange of knowledge and expertise, the platform accelerates technological innovation and encourages creativity. provides a virtual environment for collaborative creativity to flourish by linking people with diverse skill sets, fostering partnerships and encouraging exploring new ideas. The platform empowers individuals passionate about creating change by providing a platform to direct their ideas and connect with others who share their vision. This results in the development of innovative projects that address real-world challenges. is a platform that enables individuals to transform their biggest dreams into tangible realities by unleashing their full potential.


This manifesto is a call to action for various fields to unite and collaborate in pursuing groundbreaking innovation. It underscores the importance of a shared vision and unwavering dedication to achieving what may seem impossible. We invite all ready to embrace this exhilarating challenge of pushing boundaries and turning the once unthinkable into reality. The collaboration between diverse fields is the key to pioneering innovation and surpassing our previous limits.