A Spreading Organism

The project is an innovative scaffolding structure suspended over the water, connecting two banks in Copenhagen – Refen and Nordhavn. The central idea behind Neonostromo, a SF reference that emphasizes the building’s machinic, alien like nature, is to perceive a city as a living organism capable of expansion. The goal was to explore ways a horizontal megastructure could grow organically without obstructing the standard height regulations of European cities. The design of the building itself is characterized by distinct nodes, each representing different programs or functions. These nodes are interconnected through a spectrum of multiple programs, creating a cohesive and versatile structure. This approach allows for a flexible and adaptable megastructure, a horizontal skyscraper of sorts, to accommodate various activities and purposes.
By bridging the two banks of Copenhagen, Neonostromo provides a physical connection and symbolizes the concept of urban growth and connectivity. It challenges traditional notions of architectural rigidity and embraces the dynamic nature of contemporary urbanization. The structure visually represents the city’s vitality and the potential for both radical and harmonious expansion in an ever-changing urban landscape.