We are daily exposed to negative environments and situations in our daily lives, such as city noise, spending a lot of time indoors, lack of greenery, and long working hours. Studies have shown that we spend 35 hours per week in such conditions and that stress is a major cause of illnesses. The best stress relief is nature, which also helps us to be more productive and creative. As designers, we question how we can design and create environments that respond to individuals and also bring nature inside.
This project aims to use neurotechnology and spatial biophilia to offer solutions. The devices used are the EMOTIV Insight 5 channel and Meta Quest 3. Data streamed from the EMOTIV BCI to Unity are used for the activation of certain biophilic design choices based on certain performance metrics, which give us six emotional states: Attention, Engagement, Excitement, Interest, Relaxation, and Stress. Additionally, streaming and viewing data in real-time can help us better understand how space and the presence of biophilia affect us.