Based on the amount of natural light entering different areas of the building, the intensity of artificial light changes for better circadian rhythm.
Comfortable indoor temperature of the building is controlled based on the outdoor temperatures. Fan automatically turns on if the temperature is too hot.
If the indoor environment peaks in CO2 levels, a window will automatically open to allow for fresh air and air flow.
Bill of Materials

Schematic | Lighting Strategy
Light sensor is used to map out the intensity of natural light, in order to adjust brightness of the LEDs in different areas of the building. Light sensor is connected to the analog pin with 10K resistor and 2 LEDs are connected to the PWN pins with 220K resistors, for variation.

Schematic | Cooling Strategy
DHT11 temperature sensor is used to analyze the temperature. Once the temperature is reached above a threshold, the DC motor turns on the fan, to cool down the indoor environment. DHT11 is connected to the analog pin, while the motor is using a transistor ad a diode, connecting to a PWN pin.

Schematic | Air Quality Strategy
The gas filter measures high level of toxic particles and rotates the servo motor 90 degrees, to open the window, allowing for fresh circulation of air. The gas filter is connected to the analog pin, and the servo motor to a PWN pin.



Next Steps
For the next steps, I imagine this application to be applied in schools, office buildings, health facilities and homes, where people are spending long hours, everyday.
Circadian lighting will allow exposure to sunlight and minimal blue light for long period of time. This will improve learning abilities, mental health and performance.
Comfortable indoor environment and non-toxic indoor climate can prevent people from feeling exhausted, depressed or developing illnesses.
HOW: PASSIVE HOUSE DESIGN PRINCIPLES. Passive house accelerator, Accessed 01 12 2023.
The Indoor Generation. 2018. Velux, Accessed 01 12 2023.