The reference marking system for 3DP processes


Traditional 3DP processes lack accurate and reliable reference markers, which can cause errors and inaccuracies in the final print. This can be especially problematic for cyber-physical set-ups that require precise calibration and location of physical geometries on the 3D model.


This issue is resolved by Print Point’s reference marking system for 3DP processes, which finds and matches these markers with the digital components on the 3D model. Our system uses sophisticated algorithms to provide flawless printing every time.


The process is simple and easy to follow: first, create a catalog of the digital references, sort them using arUco markers, record their positions, which will allow computer vision to determine the element’s identity, location, and orientation, and then import this information to update the digital printing model.


With a predicted compound annual growth rate of 22.4% and an estimated value of over $15 billion USD last year, the 3D printing sector is expanding quickly. The demand for precise and dependable reference marking solutions like Print Point will only grow as the industry continues to grow.


The majority of the alternatives on the market provide pricey industrial metrology and complicated 3D scanners in their own systems, which don’t meet the demands for flexibility and precision.

Value Proposition

A marking system for 3DP on cyber-physical setups that enables configurable solutions, saves time and money on calibration and manufacturing, and compares external references with cataloged geometries

Business Model


After interviewing to CEOs and experts on the field, we got not only promising partnerships but also the opportunity to make use of their facilities and tools to test new iterations for further scenarios of the project.


The team is formed by an Industrial Design Engineer with background in robotics and hardware development and a Computer Science Engineer that focuses on the software development and platform interaction.

Funding Needs

With a goal of developing the software and an AR interface that are all integrated into a WebApp that our clients can operate, we are looking for funding of around 150k USD to start.

Please don’t hesitate to join us if you wish to take part in the upcoming 3D printing revolution!

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