Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.


Tensile Structure

Reproduce parametrically Nature’s Behaviors Introduction This project delves into the parametric design of tensile structures, inspired by nature’s efficiency and adaptability. Through Grasshopper, we investigate factors like load, scale, segment count, multiplication, perforations, and vertical member adjustability to optimize tensile structures’ performance. We simulate structures under various loads and considering gravity. By fine-tuning parameters, such … Read more

Golden Gusts

What is the Golden Ratio? The Golden Ratio is a relationship between two numbers that are next to each other in the Fibonacci sequence. When you divide the larger one by the smaller one, the answer is something close to Phi. The further you go along the Fibonacci Sequence, the closer the answers get to … Read more


circulatory system Chemical Equation Flow & Diffusion(Peclet number formula) Flow Simulation Coral Section Diffusion Simulation Growth Monitor wave Simulation Influence of Waves others Influence factors(Next step) The survival of corals is currently influenced and challenged by various factors, leading to the gradual disappearance of this ancient ecosystem. In order to simulate both favorable and adverse … Read more

Computational Design II – Molecular Crystallization

This project is about the intricacies and process induced intelligence int the natural phenomenon of crystallization. Namely on the molecular level. This project explores the nature and structure of crystal lattices and how the number of bonds and the allowance of joining planes influences the overall molecular structure. Iterative Bonding- X OR Y Plane – … Read more


Pluripotent (‘capable of multiple tasks‘) stem cells are cells that can divide indefinitely.  These cell layers are the fundamental tissues that give rise to all the different types of cells and tissues found in the adult organism.  Given this property, stem cells are potentially able to recreate any tissue or organ found in the body.  … Read more

Differential growth of brain coral

This project aims to investigate the pattern and growth behavior of brain coral, showcasing its fascinating interaction with the environment through its unique patterns and colors. The study utilizes scripting in Grasshopper to optimize and replicate the coral’s behavior, mirroring its life influences. Starting with the brain coral life cycle, its differential growth algorithm could … Read more

Natural Behavior : Root Branching System

Utilizing Grasshopper scripting on natural behaviour, the project replicates tree root growth, emphasizing endless bifurcation at random branch endpoints. Informed by scientific research on root behaviour, this computational model simulates the stochastic nature of root growth, offering insights into complex root architecture and interaction with the environment.

Slime Molds Simulation

Natural Behavior This exercise focuses on exploring and understanding the behavior of Physarum polycephalum, a slime mold organism, through digital simulations. Different configurations and parameters will be investigated to observe how they affect the movement, reproduction, and growth of this organism. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions of Physarum polycephalum … Read more