The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Naked Pixels

What can a virtual nomadic body do? ACT 1 The Opera’s Main Hall is crowded. Everyone is gazing at each other while the people are still arriving. The clothes and bodies are like in a showcase, competing for the looks. EGO: “Think of “the body as the original prosthesis we all learn to manipulate, so … Read more

In the name of the Master, the Builders and the Tools;

Is there Authorship, Authenticity and Authority in Multi-Natural Design? Synopsis: A fictional conversation following a congregation of a particular and peculier bunch of personalities at Sagrada Familia before its inauguration. Original version of this conversation with its intended layout could be found here: ACT-1: The ethereal sun’s rays pass through the charming brand new … Read more

Planet on the plate

What planet do we design for? Abstract Within this figure, the human ceases to be an agent of planetary processes and is seen more as their accident or aftereffect, a mere medium among other mediums. Act 1 The speech of a congresswoman candidate was just finished. Chairs are moving, people are gathering around the tables … Read more

Flight SA-3.470

How can we design for a world of increasing uncertainty despite ever growing predictive power? ACT -1 Plane taking off. Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, welcome aboard this Saudi Arabian Airlines flight from Berlin to Jeddah. Currently entering Polish airspace, our route will take us across eastern Europe, where you will … Read more

Who am I? AI?

Is AI reformulating Walter Benjamin’s notion of Aura? In the Expansive Theory course, our group is challenged to create a plot regarding the above question, with ideas and citations from bibliographies given by the faculty. Our plot happens in a metaverse gallery. Act 1 introduces opposite opinions regarding the aura of aesthetics through history. Act … Read more

Domestic cloud

How to make things appropriate without appropriating them? Domesticity is generally associated with a human environment, a civilized space that, by conventionally distinguishing itself from nature, is frequently presented as being safe, ordered, intimate, controlled, private, predictable, etc.  But, the modern city was nothing more than the extraordinary invention of a disparate set of places, … Read more


How Does Social Media Showcase Care? ACT 1 Nykita posts: “Introducing ACTIVE EYE – a political, activism focused eye wear line that is relevant for anyone who wants to make an impact. See through their eyes and show that you care by supporting their cause. #WearyourCare Some of the proceeds are donated to the respective … Read more

Guests of Nile

When does the landscape become a machine? Abstract The fictional short narrative that follows develops in a construction site of Nile’s dam. It aims to analyze the relationship between host and guests, in an assumption where the Nile is the changing landscape that welcomes each species. The plot consists of three acts, the first act … Read more