The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.

Parametric Auditorium Facade

The project designs the angular wall surface of the auditorium to ensure a completely even distribution of sound. Using the given parameters, the design and material specifics can be modified. Link to the blog : Parametric Auditorium Facade is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the MAA02 2021/22 … Read more


The project was about designing different geometries and their respective infill designs for interlocking bricks made from a Sawdust based bio composite material. The interlocking strategy would be dependent on the final design of the structure. The parameters set on the Shape Diver platform would allow the user to control the size of the bricks, … Read more

Shapediver: Background Fabric

This project used shapediver imputting mechanism to create mass background fabric structures for the use in a design project. It has flexible imputs of different base building outlines that simulates different units within the desired building block. At the point the project is still encountering diffculty with uploading to Shapediver, it will be solved in … Read more

forkLOAD Tessellations

forkLOAD Tessellations aims to utilize Shapediver to create a visualization software for clients to select a variety of parameters on a dome structure. This dome structure is created with a tessellating pattern of hegagons and squares. The user is able to select from a variety of scales of patterns, shape of arch, and a variety … Read more

Shape scribe

The Shapediver platform in my project offers the ability to personalize the modules you wish to 3D print. Currently, this is in line with my thesis that focuses on the 3D printing of biomaterials for application in columns and modular walls. with a specific emphasis on columns, With this platform, you have the flexibility to … Read more

Panelization Design

ShapeDiver is an online platform which allows one to share and interact with Grasshopper files online. The core objective was o bring the grasshopper interface to the everyday user in an easy to understand method where they can interract with it and modify designs according to their requirements. By adjusting the size of the panels, … Read more

Shape Diver // Digital Heritage

Create a design interface where you can visualize columns from gothic, islamic and neoclassical styles, translated into a contemporary proposal that can be fabricated using additive manufacturing with concrete. Using JSON files to work with predetermined parameters which allow the files to load faster in the Shape Diver platform. follow this link to Shape Diver: … Read more

ShapeDiver for Sugarcane Proximity

ShapeDiver is an online platform which allows one to share and interact with Grasshopper files online. The objective was to utilize the platform to demonstrate the proximity network of sugarcane fields in the South African context, which is the central theme of my thesis. To achieve this, I obtained the gradient field data of the … Read more

ShapeDiver for Panton Chair

ShapeDiver is an online platform that simplifies hosting and sharing Grasshopper files online. This project is aimed at creating a pantong chair in shapediver platform where the users, partners, clients, or other non-technical stakeholders can customize the design by using the provided parameters like The Size of Seat, The Material Thickness, the Chair’s Width or … Read more