The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs

“from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs” explores ways to create a sustainable and self-sufficient architecture for uninhabitable spaces on Earth that can adapt, develop, and learn from itself over a long period of time, as a Mars simulation project. This will involve investigating comparative planetology, considering possible challenges of Mars, identifying safe and similar sites … Read more

Maker-Place: Co-Creating the City

Similar to a makerspace, a maker-place helps navigate, create with, and demystify the technologies of bureaucratic organization. Where community ideas can receive guidance to the process and get connected to the resources needed to make it happen. Designed as a hybrid digital + physical approach to support small projects outside of the traditional festival scope, connecting … Read more


The aim of this project is to create a workflow which would help in in the preliminary analysis of physical and materialistic damage using computer vision to enhance sight and successfully pinpoint the defects that can be seen by the camera. The Construction industry follows a very linear approach in terms of usage of materials … Read more