The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs

“from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs” explores ways to create a sustainable and self-sufficient architecture for uninhabitable spaces on Earth that can adapt, develop, and learn from itself over a long period of time, as a Mars simulation project. This will involve investigating comparative planetology, considering possible challenges of Mars, identifying safe and similar sites … Read more


However, particulate matters are an important source of nutrient for the vegetation in the urban environment. Particulate matters are a vital nutrient for vegetation in our urban environment, and thus a key part of our ecosystem.  The ecosystem we inhabit is formed through complex networks between all the particles; the design approach for the urban … Read more

Paradise Lost-The Ground Tour of Sin-topia

A theory study on exploring new forms for social norms of deregulations in 21st century CRITICAL THINKING:We have conceived a lot of ideal utopian cities from ancient times to the present, but the imagination of modern utopia has led to various real social problems in society and urban, like the irrepressible criminal underclass, the gap … Read more

Tourism, Crime, & Urban Security

Urban Security & The Public Space of Foreigners Introduction: Is it safe to travel to Europe? Depends on who you ask, you might be told that your concern is almost a total nonsense, or be assured that it is a certain lost of phones and wallets. This is rendered by the fact that although the … Read more


AIR COMFORT The air comfort depends on the gases and particulate matters in the air. The gases consist of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. As well as the gases there are particulate matters in air which are categorised depending on their diameter. The main categories are the PM2.5 and PM10. In 2021 WHO … Read more


Framework The CoP-CITIES is put forward to foster the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders, from ‘traditional’ ones to urban communities. In combination with top-down approach to urban policy, co-creation gives citizens, local officials, researchers and the private sector an equal say in the decision-making process. Fundamentally, the CoP-CITIES aims to be instrumental for … Read more