The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.
Course: MAA02 24/25 Algorithmic Design II Thesis Cluster
Interpretations and Generation through Data
view Syllabus & FacultyDirectional strength
This research explores the optimization of glulam in architectural design by aligning material grading and grain orientation with force trajectories. Combining glulam offcuts and higher-grade timber, the study minimizes waste while maximizing structural efficiency. Computational workflows and generative algorithms are used to design force-aligned components for scalable applications. Prototypes demonstrate enhanced performance and sustainability, offering … Read more
“Floor Zero” is a new methodology for evaluating and optimizing retail property investments. Instead of simply comparing one property’s data to another’s, it looks at how each factor influences overall value for different property types based on the price tag people put on those factor. A concept inspired by the Moneyball approach, where a team … Read more