The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Statement In extreme summer heat, our bodies work overtime to regulate how we feel. It takes massive amounts of energy to maintain a normal and consistent body temperature. All this energy use can cause us to feel tired and sluggish.It makes it important to have a COOLING system in high temperatures. What is a possible … Read more


GENETIC OPTIMIZATION THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN This work aimed to genetically optimize through computational design of a rainwater filtration tower. The tower is part of the design developed for the Digital Matter Studio. The group proposes to create a landscape structure that can collect and filter rainwater through chitosan, a bio-based material made from mussel shells … Read more

Form Follows Availability

Genetic Optimization: Assignment 3 The project aims to provide the most optimal solution to maximize the shading of this housing project. The algorithm reflects the process of natural selection where each individuals are selected for the reproduction in order to produce descendant of the next generation. Through the exploration of Ladybug and Galapagos, we can … Read more

Genetic Optimisation- Pixel District

Abstract In the current era the “future” becomes an increasingly uncertain question. Huge projects are being built right now all over the world supported mainly on the interests of Real Estate speculation. This capitalist driven urban expansion relies on a specific typology: the Skyscraper. Simultaneously, the world population continues to increase, focusing on the urban. … Read more

Genetic Optimization

Project Manifesto The project explores three main topics that represent a global concern within the present times: growing population, climate crisis and food production. Following these concepts, the main intervention is based on designing a city of the future, located in the actual site of Copenhagen’s North Harbor. In the past 10 years, the population … Read more

ARCHIBUDDY – The World Is Your Friend

Introduction Archibuddy is a unique and innovative project that aims to create adaptive architectural elements to make environments emotion-responsive. Archibuddy will leverage the latest technologies to provide personalized experiences to users, optimizing their well-being and productivity using Emotion Detection Technology and the Algorithmic workflow that was developed over the course of the Master’s Research Thesis … Read more

Wire Wonders

wire wonders

WELCOME TO THE WIRE WONDERS MANUAL! We are excited to have you onboard, we will help you to fabricate a lamp with the help of augmented reality. This technology will allow you to overlap digital information into physical spaces, making it easy to visualize and analyze the steps to follow the fabrication process. To get … Read more