The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



We have a metacrisis of over consumption that is driving us toward the precipice of extinction. Fuelled by relentless advertising and capitalism’s need for endless growth, humanity is literally devouring the planet. Consumers click to buy for next day delivery from the other side of the world, the environmental and social impacts are safely hidden … Read more

Rosa Paramétrica

Rosa Paramétrica is a project of pavilion that is located on the XIV-century medieval square Plaça del Rei. The square is surrounded by the Palau Reial Major – a complex of historic buildings: the Saló del Tinell (XIV), the Palatine Chapel of St. Agatha (XIV), the Palau del Lloctinent (XVI). Reference The Amazon Spheres by … Read more