Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.



investigative research into creating a catalogue of joinery methods, varying in complexity and geometries. At the same time, integrating a new workflow of design to mill fabrication using new components such as D2P & TasMachine to create sophis`iticated digital models and manage complexity. precedence first day / manual studies on our first day, we picked … Read more

DigiGrain: Mastering Wood Joints

The idea of ‘craft’ for us is a blend of traditional hands-on skills and modern digital techniques. The experience reinforced that craft is an evolving dialogue between hand and machine, where both bring unique strengths to the process. PROCESS – JOINT PROTOTYPES JOINT 1 (CNC) JOINT 2 (CNC) JOINT 3 (CNC) JOINT 4 (MANUAL) JOINT … Read more

Hybrid Joints

Hybrid Joints explores the line between craft and art through a collection of digitally and manually crafted joints. Using Grasshopper instead of CAM software, we modeled directly in 3D and iterated quickly. We found that digital woodcraft is a craft itself, requiring not just technical knowledge but also strategy, adaptability, and problem-solving. Machines alone weren’t … Read more