Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.


Genetic Optimization

Genetic Optimization – Aquasun Oasis AquaSun Oasis is a continuation proposal for the digital matters research studio project which focuses on rainwater purification through biodegradable materials. The design of the form is based on rainwater collection and renewable solar energy while providing shade to the surroundings. The is to create a sustainable solution to conserve … Read more


“ARchSemble Welcomes you to the world of AR in Fabrication” ARchSemble is an Augmented Reality assisted application to help you build an architectural element or an entire structure.Assembly and reconfiguration of modules in the desired form,as per user requirement, with information and specifications of themodules can be achieved with the help of the application.All we … Read more

Wire Wonders

wire wonders

WELCOME TO THE WIRE WONDERS MANUAL! We are excited to have you onboard, we will help you to fabricate a lamp with the help of augmented reality. This technology will allow you to overlap digital information into physical spaces, making it easy to visualize and analyze the steps to follow the fabrication process. To get … Read more



Forces of Nature

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID ROOF This research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate the application of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactive installations using Kangaroo, located in IAAC’s rooftop. The design strategy is creating a simple geometry based on forces in compression and tension on different points. The pavilion’s sail-like plane … Read more


The aim of the design was to create a space that evokes a sense of enclosure but is still open and lightweight. This led us to the concept of designing our pavilion from minimal surfaces inspired from geometries exhibited in nature such as plants, mushrooms and corals. The intention was to fabricate it using strip … Read more


Brief “This investigative research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate theapplication of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactiveinstallations.”The research objective is to build a user-friendly interface that enables real-time manipulation of forces as design parameters, the goal of replicating real-life behaviors by using kangaroo as a main engine. With … Read more

Forces of Nature

Force of Nature – Circle of Force Circle of Force emerged as a research project for studying the form-finding process by applying physics simulations interactively with grasshopper plugin Kangaroo. Our objective is to create a user-friendly design where they can spend time on IAAC Pujades Campus rooftop. Design drives: Parameters for Base Geometry The Base … Read more


MANIFESTO Inclusive, Productive, Sustainable Urban Hiatus is a project that centers around human scale and brings back the lost identity for the people of Poblenou. It aims towards a structure that is inclusive, productive and sustainable.The latest urban plans in Barcelona solved a lot of issues, but sometimes forgot about smaller day to day spaces … Read more

Revolving Bricks

Abstract The concept of the project analyzed lays in its two main facades: made out of bricks, these show two variations of rotation. The first one takes into account some external curves that act as attractors, the other by rotating the bricks alternately by 45°. Building Overview This office building is placed in a residential … Read more


CONCEPT The concept of the project was to create a system that detects solar radiation throughout the day and adjusts the facade angle accordingly to keep the internal area of the building cool and shaded using a Photoresistor. Also, at the same time to prevent the rainwater from coming inside the building using a water … Read more

The Dendriform Pavilion

Design Analysis & Concept As the project brief required to reimagine the Serpentine Pavilion by Francis Kere, built in 2017 at the Serpentine Gallery in London, UK, the pavilion was deconstructed and analyzed into 3 of its major elements; the roof, the roof structure and the envelope. The main idea for the reimagination of the … Read more

The Bad Cafe

The Bad Cafe

Introduction architects_Nudesarea_301 sqmyear_2015location_Mumbai, India The architectural component was designed to facilitate yoga, gastronomical experiences, and cultural event spaces for music, art, performances, intellectual discourse and fashion. These activities are stacked vertically over three levels, including an open to sky terrace courtyard. Remotely located from traffic snarls and insulated from typically high levels of air and … Read more

Digital ways of Fabrication

Abstract The introductory course on Digital Fabrication proposes exploring new production techniques through the relationship between computer data and machine-oriented fabrication. The final purpose was to acclimatize with the three most common digital fabrication processes:  CNC milling, Laser Cutting, and 3D Printing.Our personal exploration of these techniques is here disclosed with these three models, which … Read more