Project agenda

Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design

Achieve maximum use of space (solid volumes) at the same time providing open and efficiently insolated inner spaces inside the dense structure volume.

Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design

  • maximize density of solid volumes inside the base geometry;
  • maximize the porosity of the structure;
  • maximize radiation parameters for open areas;
  • maximize radiation parameters for facade areas;

Algorithm set up

Optimisation Algorithm

Process of fitness evaluation

The fitness of each design solution is evaluated by calculating the objective function values and checking if the conditions (present by radiation analysis from LadyBug) are satisfied. This step determines how well each solution performs. The optimization process continues iteratively until certain termination criteria are met. Once the optimization process is complete, the following is to analyze obtained solutions based on their fitness values and  select optimal result.

Design Solution

Maximum possible densification of solid volumes within maximum possible open area