To bike or not to bike?

Bike route classification using Graph Machine Learning The goal of the project was to develop a graph machine learning model that would predict existence of bike routes in Singapore based on collected geodata. Because the bike routes were represented by graph edges, that was also our classification type. Data Exploration & Research Topic We choose … Read more

Barcelona Program

Block Classification This project aims to classify urban blocks in Barcelona, focusing on the districts of Saint Martí and Eixample, based on their dominant functions. By identifying the primary uses of these urban blocks, we can gain insights into the spatial organization and functional distribution within the research area. Saint Martí and Eixample, two vibrant … Read more


3d Component Classification tool

Abstract 3D-SOLIDS Component Classification tool utilizes machine learning to optimize the placement of essential 3D components such as walls, doors, windows, floors, and railings in residential floor plans. By analyzing spatial features and architectural attributes, it automates and enhances the design process, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and compliance with building standards. This tool aids architects and … Read more

MY PARKS : Predicting Miami City’s Parks Scores based on Amenities and Businesses

Miami Parks Prediction GraphML Project

Rethinking Urban Spaces Parks and green areas are critical in cities as they provide spaces for people to meet, interact, and find a social life. They contribute significantly to the mental and physical well-being of residents, offering a natural respite from the urban hustle. Project Summary: According to google reviews, the most important factor for … Read more

Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more

Guidebook on Urban Degrowth

The Case of Tourism in Barcelona The “Guidebook on Urban Degrowth” explores applying degrowth principles in urban planning to promote social well-being and ecological equity in cities. This thesis develops guidelines to shift from high-consumption economic models to those that emphasize environmental balance and social equity. Focusing on Barcelona, it addresses the challenges of over-tourism, … Read more

Riverine Alliances

The intensification of human activities has transformed river basins, characterized by the loss of natural floodplains, an increase in impermeable surfaces, and the escalation of surface runoff. This thesis explores the importance of tailoring flood prevention strategies to upstream conditions to aid in flood risk management for downstream urban areas. Specifically, it presents an incentive-based, … Read more


A multidimensional and multiscalar exploration of the emerging Vertical Urban Transportation landscape. [A] INTRODUCTION “Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly-emerging, new sector of the aerospace industry which aims to safely and efficiently integrate highly automated aircraft into the NAS. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies … Read more

100-Year Flood Risk Road Intersection Classification

Flood Risk Classification

Beginnings Our project’s concept is to develop a classification model that identifies street intersections (graph nodes) in Stockholm, Sweden, susceptible to flooding during a 100-year flood event. Based on our initial research, we found that graph machine learning operates at three levels: the graph, its edges, and its nodes. With access to a 100-year flood … Read more


ChromaEnergon represents an innovative approach to student housing architecture that transcends conventional design paradigms tapping the potentials of climatic energy and thermochromic pigments. This concept leverages verticality, slenderness, and dispersed tower structures to create dynamic living environments. By strategically mapping energy into various spaces through the skin which the facade, ChromaEnergon aims to generate unique … Read more


1. Introduction 1.1. Abstract Autonomous Vehicles are vehicles that employ driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator within the vehicle. These new technologies into automation have been researched in contexts like the United States of America, Middle-Eastern Countries and some European Countries. Planners and architects are designing for these cities including … Read more

F1 Horizons

This optimization uses computational design to achieve the best placement of the Grand-Stand around a predefined F1 racetrack and topology for maximum visibility for spectators using Grasshopper and Galapagos Evolutionary solver.

Vertical Vitality

Integrating Recreation and Sustainability in Urban Landscapes “Vertical vitality” revolutionizes urban architecture by integrating vertical jogging tracks, rainwater harvesting, and green walls into a unified, multi-functional structure tailored for densely populated cities. This innovative design re imagines the efficiency of vertical parking structures for recreational and environmental purposes. Location: Barcelona, Spain In response to the … Read more

Performative Design – optimizing the Anthropocene Computational Design III – final assignment

_performative design Optimization : “The action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.” Design optimization: “The process of finding the best design parameters that satisfy project requirements.” Design Objective: Design an optimized dense urban occupation plan that follows a fractal pattern grid. Optimization Goals of the project: _designing the … Read more


harnessing genetic algorithms for better living In a neighborhood where high-rise buildings are becoming more prevalent, can we still prioritize and design for wellbeing? In an exploration of the interplay between architecture, the environment and human wellbeing, this project utilizes genetic algorithms to optimize the design of mixed-use residential towers, based on key environmental factors … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS. Estrategias territoriales para un nuevo imaginario del Cerro de Pasco, Perú – 2045

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incierto del territorio socio urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsicamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, como también, a la violación de los derechos a la … Read more

Activación RURbana

Imaginarios en  búsqueda de la gobernanza multinivel para el municipio de Masaya mediante la socio- productividad y la bioeconomía. El presente blog constituye la continuidad de una serie de blogs que intentan exponer alternativas para la reactivación de la interrelación rural- urbana del municipio de Masaya en Nicaragua, específicamente: En consecuencia, en la presente entrega, … Read more