The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Vallvidrera Reservoire

Context Frogs as An Indicative Species: The Pelophylax Perezi frogs, native to the reservoir are an indicator of the ecosystem’s biodiversity, and require a permanent body of water to thrive. These amphibians traverse through ecotones and patches, evidently providing us an indication of a diverse ecosystem.  Why Frogs? Analysis Methodology Could we use the behaviours … Read more

Uintah and Ouray Music and Performing Arts Center

SITE The Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation DESIGN PROCESS Form Finding and Computational Elements FORM FINDING Massing FORM FINDING Perforations FORM FINDING Decorative Perforation – Spikes FORM FINDING Columns FORM FINDING Split Columns FORM FINDING Mezzanine FORM FINDING Interior Space SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION FINAL PROPOSAL FINAL FABRICATION FINAL RENDERS

Scan to BIM: ML tools for MEP component recognition


Source: Topic brief The research is investigating the potential benefits of integrating state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) tools in Scan-to-BIM for mechanical, electrical and plumbing parts (MEP) recognition. Recent advancements in ML can enhance construction phase and post-construction maintenance. The use of these tools can be critical to create accurate as-built models to automate the … Read more

Do Architects Dream of Electric Sheep?

The future of architecture is being shaped by a romantic embrace of technology, exemplified by the concept of the “electric sheep.”  Architects are integrating BIM, computational design, robotics and other advanced tools into their workflows, resulting in a transformative shift in design possibilities. This approach not only improves efficiency, but also fosters greater creativity and inclusivity … Read more

Echoes of Tomorrow

Abstract: The Anthropocene has seen exponential growth in technology, enabling humans to transform their environment and exploit natural resources on an unprecedented scale having led to widespread environmental changes, including climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and alterations in the Earth’s landforms and water systems. However, the unequal distribution of resources and power has also led … Read more


“First Life, then Spaces, then Buildings, the other way around never works” – Jan Gehl The proposal is an intervention at the site situated in Diagonal Mar, neighborhood, inspired from the fundamental idea of Placemaking. The intervention goes beyond development, aiming to activate the site and create a vibrant community. Grounded in functionality, the approach … Read more