The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Not a Waste: Landfill mine tale

The excessive waste produced in countries worldwide is a grave and unignorable concern. Urbanization contributes to enhanced municipal solid waste generation, harming health and the environment. Landfills, globally emit thousands of tons of methane gas into the air, 30 times more harmful than CO2. Waste is not waste but a resource if managed judiciously. The … Read more


DESIGN BEHAVIOUR Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov


ShadeHaven_NOVA, an architectural marvel, stands as a pavilion designed with the noble intention of inspiring individuals to leisurely sit and immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring presence of the Barcelona Cathedral and the rich cultural tapestry enveloping its surroundings. Nestled within the historical expanse of Plaça Nova, at the core of Barcelona’s Gothic quarter, this visionary … Read more

Rosa Paramétrica

Rosa Paramétrica is a project of pavilion that is located on the XIV-century medieval square Plaça del Rei. The square is surrounded by the Palau Reial Major – a complex of historic buildings: the Saló del Tinell (XIV), the Palatine Chapel of St. Agatha (XIV), the Palau del Lloctinent (XVI). Reference The Amazon Spheres by … Read more


The second year students of Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) and Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) participate in Llum BCN 2024 with LA CREMADA / THE BURN, an immersive interactive installation that delves deep into the world of wildfires, their origins, impacts, and the critical need for understanding and prevention. The installation, located at Plaça Les Arts, C/ … Read more

Mumbai Soundscape

ACT 01 *end of september 2023 in bandra mumbai during ganesha charturthi, celebratory noises are all around. sounds of people, fireworks, music, animals are heard within close proximity of a popular patisserie along turner road, west of bandra in mumbai-india* *kantha bai- a 50 year old local and bitter woman, bothered by the noises from … Read more

Urban Dynamic Lights

Urban Dynamic Lighting is a research conducted on dynamic lighting for cities, exploring its transformative power and the possibilities it holds for cities worldwide. The study presents a comprehensive framework for implementing dynamic lighting systems on an urban scale. The power of dynamism Dynamicity represents a paradigm shift in our perception of cities. It recognizes … Read more

from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs

“from Earthly Trials to Martian Triumphs” explores ways to create a sustainable and self-sufficient architecture for uninhabitable spaces on Earth that can adapt, develop, and learn from itself over a long period of time, as a Mars simulation project. This will involve investigating comparative planetology, considering possible challenges of Mars, identifying safe and similar sites … Read more

The Housing Factory

The Housing Challenge in Sub Saharan Africa In most sub saharan countries, a case of uganda; despite the challenges with informality, this sector provides housing to over 60% of the urban population with the “tenement” as the most common housing typology.  Part of the housing challenge stems from the evolution of housing policy in Uganda … Read more


However, particulate matters are an important source of nutrient for the vegetation in the urban environment. Particulate matters are a vital nutrient for vegetation in our urban environment, and thus a key part of our ecosystem.  The ecosystem we inhabit is formed through complex networks between all the particles; the design approach for the urban … Read more


Embarking on a project set within the bustling cityscape of New York, we aimed to unveil latent development potentials in urban spaces. Bulk, or the capacity for expansion or extension of a structure within the constraints of zoning laws and local regulations, harbors unexplored opportunities. Often, significant development potential lies hidden within existing building envelopes, … Read more


ThermoVision is a predictive tool that leverages machine learning to gauge thermal comfort in urban landscapes, allowing us to understand the correlation between our built environment and the thermal comfort. There is inconsistent outdoor thermal comfort due to varied building topologies, building materials and vegetation. Understanding the thermal landscapes is challenging due to their complexity. … Read more

Paradise Lost-The Ground Tour of Sin-topia

A theory study on exploring new forms for social norms of deregulations in 21st century CRITICAL THINKING:We have conceived a lot of ideal utopian cities from ancient times to the present, but the imagination of modern utopia has led to various real social problems in society and urban, like the irrepressible criminal underclass, the gap … Read more


A city inside a building; The project articulates an extra-extra large architectural typology that extends beyond the conventional scale of a singular building and aims at becoming a self-enclosed urban form. Mobilizing Buckminster Fuller’s ‘tensegrity’ structural logic, this megastructure accommodates a complexassemblage of typologies, functions, and forms within its differentiated envelope-a geometrically and materially optimized … Read more


A Spreading Organism The project is an innovative scaffolding structure suspended over the water, connecting two banks in Copenhagen – Refen and Nordhavn. The central idea behind Neonostromo, a SF reference that emphasizes the building’s machinic, alien like nature, is to perceive a city as a living organism capable of expansion. The goal was to … Read more


Waterpixels is a project challenging the traditional approach towards urban futures. It is a project located in Lynetteholm, Copenhagen. Taking into consideration the urban strategies and site analysis the project pertains to the current requirements of a storm barrier in Copenhagen. The following sheets show the process leading to the project. The followings sheets show … Read more


Re-imagining Food Production through Bio-Based Water Treatment Infrastructure This project was developed during the Digital Matter Research studio, in which It was first identified a waste stream in which the material could be upcycled to a building material, and then developed a project of design in many scales that had a bottom-up approach, having the … Read more


Project agenda Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Achieve maximum use of space (solid volumes) at the same time providing open and efficiently insolated inner spaces inside the dense structure volume. Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Algorithm set up Optimisation Algorithm Process of fitness evaluation The fitness of each design solution is evaluated by … Read more

Strata – Green

Context 1 (2022) Europe’s air quality status 2022 [Preprint]. European Environment Agency. Available at: 2 WHO global air quality guidelines. Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC?BYNCSA?3.0?IGO Problem Statement Urban designers and city planners are not able to predict the impact … Read more