The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


In the world of home improvement, painting is a powerful way to transform any space. Yet, the journey from envisioning to executing a painting project can be filled with uncertainty—from choosing the right colors to calculating costs and materials needed. This is where VirtuPaint comes into play, simplifying the planning process with precision and creativity. … Read more

Genius Loci

View some of the collected data here: Street Types and Property Information Genius Loci was inspired by the work the of Sarah Williams in her book ‘Data action – Using data for public good’. In today’s data-driven world, the use of data has become increasingly pervasive, shaping various aspects of our lives from policymaking to … Read more

GrBuff – Giving Green Spaces Back

Initial Sketch Idea To develop an interface which allows users to visualize the co-relation of green spaces within the buffer zones of building design. The distance of the building from the boundaries will determine how high the built plot will be and it will suggest the number of floors and wall height dynamically on the … Read more

Urban Impact Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of urbanization, migration towards cities is an undeniable trend. With this migration comes a myriad of challenges, notably the exponential rise in land costs and the often haphazard nature of urban development. As cities expand, there’s a pressing need for thoughtful and strategic construction that not only addresses the demands of … Read more


Evaluate is an App that helps Investors and Planers to position their building on an uploaded Terrain, and visualize its Setbacks and Feasibility in terms of cost and total floor area. By automating this simple process, one can evaluate any building Plot simply by having its terrain, instantly and without bothering with checking specific Area … Read more