The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


cHair is an app that utilizes an optimized Grasshopper file, defines the HTML structure of the page, while utilizing Vue.js directives to bind data and methods to the page. The JavaScript code in the script section provides the logic for the page and defines the data and methods used in the template section, and the … Read more

Mars Medical Center

Introduction For the BIMSC studio project, the class designed a human colony initially capable of accommodating 50 inhabitants, with the potential to expand to 300 inhabitants. Working together, the class settled on the Jezero Crater as the site for the colony and developed a masterplan consisting of thirteen distinct zones. Each group selected one zone … Read more

Collaborative Food and Energy Production on Mars

INTRODUCTION The project entails establishing a self-sustaining and productive colony on Mars through a collaborative effort among seven remote groups from across the world. The primary goal of the project is to develop a colony that can adapt to the harsh Martian environment and sustain itself over an extended period. To accomplish this feat, the … Read more


INTRODUCTION The collaborative project at hand involved a remarkable feat: seven groups working together virtually to design a self-sustainable, adaptive, and productive colony on Mars. To achieve this goal, our team utilized an array of cutting-edge software programs and tools, with Spackle and Rhino inside Revit serving as the primary means of communication both within … Read more


The Metaverse 2.0 for an environmentally conscious design If environmental consequences could be quickly computed by AI and reflected in an immersive digital model environment, the AEC industry could change the way it delivers results and reduce its carbon footprint? The research proposal is to investigate the “Infoverse”, an enhanced Metaverse for designers, where they … Read more