The Master Programme in Robotics and Advanced Construction is an innovative educational format that offers interdisciplinary skills and understanding through a series of class seminars that are put into practice through hands-on workshops. IAAC gives students the opportunity to create individual studio agendas and develop Pilot Thesis Projects based on the knowledge acquired during the seminars and workshops split into 3 Modules. In this way, IAAC puts together an experimental learning environment for the training of professionals with both theoretical and practical responses to the increasing complexity of the construction sector.



Github : Overview This project combines a thermal camera and an ESP32 to capture and analyze thermal data and distance measurements. It was developed as part of the YAKISUGI Torch Project, a system designed to optimize and standardize the traditional Japanese wood-burning technique for enhanced durability, pest resistance, and waterproofing. About the YAKISUGI Method: The YAKISUGI … Read more

Heat loss Status

The aim of this project is to detect and analyse the heat loss in an  indoor space. This application can be used to identify thermal bridges, inefficiencies, or holes in a building’s envelope. With further development, this sensor can be integrated into smart home systems to regulate desired heat and humidity thresholds within a space … Read more

Anatomy of a Machine: Stroke

Objective. Over three weeks, the teams develop a process to create a painting using a robot with a paintbrush, studying the brushstroke, paint properties, and the relationship between human gesture and machine movement. We began by working manually, then incorporated digital work and the robot. The final A2 painting reflected the robot’s anatomy and how … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Shape

This project comprises of 5 rapid prototypes developed over the course of 3 weeks. Each prototype is developed with a focus on a material and a process. These investigations were a means of developing the skillset of rapidly developing a robotic process and simultaneously became the palette from which we select our research lines for … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Stroke

OBJECTIVE Understand the anatomy of the hand-drawn brushstrokes During the first phase of this exercise we were tasked with studying the essence of a paint brush stroke. This involved understanding the tool itself: the flexibility of the hair, the viscosity of the paint, and the length of a stroke before the paint is finished. We … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Shape

INTRO As part of the “Anatomy of a Machine – Shape” course, we engaged in an exercise that explores the possibilities of robotic material manipulation through various tools and techniques. Our objective was to research and experiment with sustainable, accessible, and locally available materials, applying scientific and creative principles to produce unique prototypes. This process … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Spill _ FLOWPRESS

Introduction This seminar invites students to explore making custom made spillers controlled by Arduino and a 6-axes robotic arm in order to paint spills on canvas with black acrylic paint. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in production, prototyping, and innovation that has been influenced by open source software, firmware and hardware. Human … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Spill_Balloongun

Practical Introduction to Electronics (MRAC Hardware 01) Github: MRAC-IAAC/balloongun Objectives. The Hardware Module 1 is intended to give an overview of the state of the art in robotic actuation, discussing the practical implementation of such actuators, and brainstorm how these actuators and the robotic arms could bring new levels of versatility, agility and efficiency to … Read more

Anatomy of a Machine: Stroke

Introduction The “Anatomy of a Machine” project marks the beginning of our exploration into the interplay between human and robotic gestures in creating art. This exercise, undertaken as part of the MRAC first term studio, encouraged us to delve into the fundamental properties of brush strokes, from manual experimentation to robotic automation. Over three weeks, … Read more

Anatomy of a Machine: Shape

Objective. The primary focus of the project is to foster a sense of curiosity about the robotic arm and its ability to manipulate various sustainable construction materials through different processes. Teams are encouraged to apply their newly acquired hardware and software skills, alongside the robotic tools and equipment available in the robotic lab, to explore … Read more

Advanced Fabrication for Circular Materials

The construction industry has long been a major contributor to global resource consumption and waste production. In response to these challenges, circularity in construction has emerged as a transformative approach aimed at reducing environmental impacts, conserving resources, and promoting sustainability. This blog explores the core parameters of circularity in construction—materials, design, and energy consumption—and provides … Read more

(re)bar; a theoretical context for recycled reinforcement steel bars

dba Re2bar, LLC. Course Overview While the Robotic in Construction Term II Studio Course focuses on means and methods of robotic processes for sustainable materials, this term’s Applied Theory course, Theory and Contexts, fosters analytical thinking about how these materials may be relevant in the industry, addressing the sector’s resource waste (35% EU total) and … Read more

Robotic Craft Interaction

An Intersectional Investigation Robotics is the field of study focused on the research and application of robotic systems. This definition, however, doesn’t provide much insight. So, what is a robot? Robots are machines that can operate autonomously or through programmed input to perform specific tasks, often replacing human effort. These tasks are typically complex and … Read more

Scanning for Building Innovation

From capturing intricate geometries to enhancing processes, our research emphasizes in innovation in construction and data optimization, showcasing the transformative potential of advanced scanning tools. These technologies not only enhance our ability to capture the intricacies of physical structures but also provide actionable insights for a variety of applications. Research Topics 1. Fabrication OptimizationWe leveraged … Read more

BANDY2_1.2_Willow weaving

1 | INTRODUCTION What is willow weaving and why do it with a robot? Willow weaving as a robotic operation needs to be understood in context. Our archaeological records date bake basket weaving back over 14000 years, older than pottery. An ancient craft that is practiced today in virtually the same way that it has … Read more