The Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) seeks to train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are capable of facing our growing need for a more sustainable and optimised construction ecosystem. The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Through a mixture of seminars, workshops, and studio projects, the master programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector. It investigates how advances in robotics and digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develop processes and design tools for such new production methods.


TerraWeave: Innovative Structures for a Changing World


The Problem The built environment is responsible for 42% of annual global CO₂ emissions. Within this, building operations and construction alone contribute nearly one-third. Yet, current construction methods lack flexibility, efficient resource use, and environmentally friendly solutions. This is the context that drove our project. Terraweave Solution  TerraWeave integrates robotics, wattle and daub construction and … Read more

Robotic Craft Interaction

An Intersectional Investigation Robotics is the field of study focused on the research and application of robotic systems. This definition, however, doesn’t provide much insight. So, what is a robot? Robots are machines that can operate autonomously or through programmed input to perform specific tasks, often replacing human effort. These tasks are typically complex and … Read more