

This project revolved around utilising computational thinking and logical principles for crafting assembly and growth processes. This exploration involved using iterative algorithmic approaches, commencing with essential spatial building components. We have designed a few essential components in the form of voxels that served as fundamental computational units, having the capability to both store and process … Read more

Computational Logic for Generative Design

The project focuses on generative assemblies comprised of multiple identical modules. It is crucial to design the shape of the components and the connection points between each of them, as well as not to add occlusions. Components will grow randomly depending on the shape as well as the location of the connection points. The design … Read more


El objetivo del proyecto es estudiar la posibilidad de una planificación urbana con un desarrollo integrado entre el espacio construido y el espacio natural, principio del concepto de cohesión socioterritorial. Partiendo de este enfoque de investigación, la subprefectura de Perus se considera un espacio que ofrece posibilidades para desarrollar este planteamiento. Perus es una subprefectura … Read more

GRAPH MACHINE LEARNING TOWARDS ADAPTIVE CITIES: A data-driven approach to sea level rise problematics

Abstract This thesis explores experimental approaches when addressing sea level rise challenges , the impacts of land loss due to sea rise and population growth. It delves into considerations associated with innovative approaches while emphasizing the integration of urban syntax and graph machine learning. Drawing upon case studies and open data, underscoring the importance of … Read more


Abstract This study delves into the innovative fusion of graph theory with architectural design and planning, facilitated by a structured BIM to Graph workflow. By conceptualizing architectural elements as nodes and their interconnections as edges within a graph, architects gain an adaptable and multifunctional tool for representation, analysis, and strategic planning. The graph’s inherent scalability … Read more


Kala Academy Auditorium Refurbishment – Using Genetic Algorithms I PROBLEM STATEMENT I STATE OF THE ART EMPAC The interior was treated with various wall patterns applied to the walls leaving no flat surfaces to increase sound diffusion and decrease reverberation time, This made it rank as one of the most acoustically perfect concert halls in the … Read more


El sistema alimentario como pilar estratégico para el desarrollo urbano de la zona 3, Quetzaltenango. Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen … Read more

TERRITORIOS REACTIVOS. Hacia una reprogramación de la región centro-sur de Uruguay

Territorios reactivos refiere a la activación del territorio como respuesta a la irrupción del Proyecto Ferrocarril Central, obra de rehabilitación de 273km de la infraestructura ferroviaria histórica de Uruguay que al 2023 se encuentra en obra 1. Antigua red ferroviaria La vía férrea, uno de los elementos más representativos de la primera revolución industrial, comienza … Read more

Networking Tacarigua

Networking Tacarigua: Modelo de Ciudad en Redes Hidrográficas para Maracay, Venezuela Agua: Fuente de Vida, Problema Urbano El origen de toda la vida puede trazarse hacia el agua. Es un elemento indispensable para la subsistencia de todo organismo que habita el planeta tierra. Para la humanidad, el agua siempre ha estado presente, con la creación … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible. Hacia un centro histórico regenerativo.

El casco histórico Ciudad Vieja actualmente cuenta con una gran cantidad de fincas abandonadas y baldíos, es necesario buscar nuevos caminos potenciales para su desarrollo. Ciudad Vieja Comestible busca la reactivación del centro histórico de Montevideo a partir de la alimentación. La alimentación como eje transversal al proyecto, como producción, como materia, como base económica, como … Read more

Environmental Asset Resilience

The Environmental Asset Resilience (EAR) Tool is a response to the pressing global challenge of environmental instability, particularly in urban areas. These areas face substantial costs associated with environmental problems and climate change. However, decision-making in addressing these issues is complicated by conflicting priorities, limited resources, and a lack of expertise. The EAR Project aims … Read more

forkLOAD Tessellations

forkLOAD Tessellations aims to utilize Shapediver to create a visualization software for clients to select a variety of parameters on a dome structure. This dome structure is created with a tessellating pattern of hegagons and squares. The user is able to select from a variety of scales of patterns, shape of arch, and a variety … Read more


The reference marking system for Additive Manufacturing Context Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have established and grown significantly over the past few decades, solidifying themselves as a mature and competitive alternative across various sectors of fabrication and construction. This development has been observed across multiple levels and applications of production, primarily due to its remarkable properties … Read more

Shape Driver Chair

ShapeDiver is an online platform that simplifies hosting and sharing Grasshopper files online. This project is aimed at creating a chair in shape diver platform where the users can customize the design and size by using the provided parameters like The Size of the Seat, The Material Thickness, the Chair’s Width etc., however, they like. are.