A Data-driven Approach of redefining the Accessibility of the Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago Accessibility is a multifaceted concept that expresses the case of access between two points in space. In the context of islands, accessibility is of utmost importance due to their inherent characteristics of isolation and small size. The Aegean Archipelago in … Read more


Insightful Predictions for Your City’s Future. The purpose of Foresight is to leverage the capabilities of machine learning to anticipate the potential effects of novel urban infrastructure on the city’s fabric and the value of city blocks. Foresight aims to serve as a preliminary design tool, with the ability to swiftly process vast amounts of … Read more


Navigating Urban Realities through Women’s Perception of Safety Cities all over the world are being quantified and rated in terms of their livability and life quality for better understanding of citizen satisfaction.  Safety, including both the tangible aspects and the subjective perception of safety, is a critical component in assessing urban life quality. According to … Read more


An Urban AI graft project based in Barcelona. In 2022 across both England and Wales the proportion of people that have some form of disability was a staggering 17.8% or nearly 10.4 million people. Our project is focused on urban mobility and aims to create accessibility for current routing applications have limited use for people … Read more

The 3-30-300 Rule

TRANSFORMING CITIES INTO URBAN FORESTS This principle, proposed by Cecil Konijnendijk, highlights the significant role played by urban forests and other forms of urban nature in promoting our health, well-being, and resilience to climate change. It acknowledges the need to consider various aspects of urban forests to achieve success. It also emphasizes the importance of … Read more


ThermoVision is a predictive tool that leverages machine learning to gauge thermal comfort in urban landscapes, allowing us to understand the correlation between our built environment and the thermal comfort. There is inconsistent outdoor thermal comfort due to varied building topologies, building materials and vegetation. Understanding the thermal landscapes is challenging due to their complexity. … Read more

20 minute neighborhoods in Melbourne

-Problem statement- The extensive sprawl of Melbourne and the affordability challenges have led to a situation where purchasing a home in the central area is increasingly difficult. This situation urges residents to seek housing options in the outskirts, as a result consequently contributing to the city’s expanding boundaries. -Aim of the project- In the city … Read more

GenCity – An intervention enabler for Co-creating Urban Designs

Alejandro Aravena, renowned for his role in facilitating the recovery of a city struck by an earthquake and a tsunami, asserts that Participatory design transcends mere inclusivity and offers enhanced efficiency. Despite recognizing the significance of public participation in urban planning, we delve into the persisting factors that hinder its optimal efficiency. Conventional methods may … Read more

Green Printing

Urban Green Spaces are critical urban infrastructure – equally important to how our city functions as transport networks, and particularly vital to the wellbeing of our community. Urban greening supports Melbourne’s economy, providing cooling and amenity which supports the pedestrian economy and reduces operating costs for local businesses. Melbourne is encouraging more innovative methods for … Read more

Urban mining in the city of pre-cast concrete

Singapore, a quickly developing city-state is running out of land and linear expansion with new housing will soon no longer be an option. The project strategically targets public housing as a place of densification and a source of urban mining, aiming to solve the problem of upcoming precast concrete waste. Therefore a circular micro-district design … Read more

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ]

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

Built Heritage vs Real Estate Market. The Barcelona case

python analysis BCN

Main question. How built heritage affects real estate market in European cities? Hypothesis Let’s look at this question on the example of Barcelona. Let’s single out the city neighborhoods (barrios) where historical buildings are located, and analyze the ratio of average real estate prices to them, in particular, the sale prices of apartments and houses. … Read more

The Heat Gap

This project explores the relationship between urban heat and mental health in a city using clustering analysis. Four distinct clusters were identified, revealing patterns related to population percentages with mental health problems, urban heat levels, and proximity to industrial areas. Additionally, the study examines the association between urban heat, housing stress, and access to natural … Read more

????? • Rent • Proximities

The city of Mumbai, known as the financial and entertainment capital of India, has experienced a significant surge in housing prices and rents in recent years. The demand for residential properties in Mumbai has been steadily increasing due to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and the city’s thriving job market. In the midst of … Read more

Identifying formal housing projects, New Delhi

During the Internet of Building studio we developed a strategy of predicting the typologies of buildings in New Delhi, India by data, using algorithmic approaches as KMEANS, DBSCAN and PCA aswell a a heuristig rule-set. The objective of this project is to predict if a building in New Delhi is part of a formal settlement … Read more

Predicting the future densification Helsinki along its former transportation infrastructure.

OVER THE NEXT FEW DACADES HELSINKI EXPECTS TO ADD AROUND 250.000 NEW RESIDENTS IN 30-40KM OF TRANSFORMED MOTORWAY – LIKE HIGHWAYS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In the future, a transition from highways and roadways to boulevards is anticipated due to a projected decrease in the number of cars. This shift is expected to address several issues commonly … Read more

Senseable Walks for Melbourne

OPTIMIZING THE EXISTING WALKABILITY INDEX Urban design plays a pivotal role in shaping the livability of a city, and walkability is a crucial aspect that directly impacts its residents’ quality of life. The City of Melbourne has developed a Walkability Index. This project aims at optimizing the existing framework by integrating key parameters related to … Read more

Relationship Street and Crime in Tokyo.

A Study on the Back of the Road, Factors Forming Streets, and Crime Relationships in the 23 Wards of Tokyo, Japan. 2023, Tokyo is the one of megalopolis. Tokyo has built a megalopolis unlike any other in the world. The megalopolis of Tokyo is depicted in Japan’s representative culture, anime, and manga, and the city … Read more

Remote sensing of the urban sprawl’s pace of Melbourne

urban growth Melbourne

Starting in 2015 urban development spread beyond the administratively defined Melbourne metropolitan area, into Greater Geelong and the Shire of Mitchell. The Melbourne Metropolitan Region or Greater Melbourne comprises 31 Local Authority Governments (LGA, municipalities and shires) aggregated in 6 metropolitan partnerships. Two of them, Inner and Inner South-East allocate the metropolitan core. This project … Read more

New Delhi Resource Repository

The New Delhi Material Repository and Urban Mining project focuses on the city’s sustainable development by implementing the principles of urban mining and establishing a material repository. As the capital city of India, New Delhi holds significant historical and governmental importance, with its urban fabric comprising a combination of planned and unplanned elements. However, with … Read more

Housing for the Urban Poor

Considering the imminent demolition and in-situ rehabilitation of highly dense slum settlements, how might the application of generative algorithms facilitate the maximization and optimization of housing units within the existing spatial constraints? The slums and the unauthorized colonies are located across Delhi to identify which zones needs in-situ slum rehabilitation, there are over 700 slum … Read more

Localize the Loop, Barcelona

Recycling construction materials is of paramount importance in a city like Barcelona due to its numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. Barcelona, like many urban centers, faces challenges related to rapid urbanization, resource scarcity, and environmental sustainability. By implementing a robust construction material recycling concept, the city can significantly reduce its construction waste, lower its … Read more

The Boulevard Method

The Boulevard Method utilizes big data analytics and multi-objective optimization processes to map the existing materials building stock and propose adata-driven urban strategy for the future densification of the city of Helsinki. By making the hypothesis that certain roadways will become obsolete in the future due to the transformation of urban mobility, this study analyzed … Read more