Multidimensionality of Time for Inclusive Urban Lives This project explores urban inclusivity through the multidimensional lens of time, using Barcelona as a case study. The analysis considers three temporal dimensions: time of day, time of year, and time of life, recognizing how these factors shape access to essential urban amenities. Proximity serves as the first … Read more


FLOOD RESILIENCE TOOLBOX FOR ADAPTIVE URBAN DESIGN IN COASTAL CITIES Flooding is the most frequent natural disaster worldwide. By the report from The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), floods cause more than 38 billion euro in damages worldwide per year. Due to climate change, floods are becoming more extreme and frequent. Coastal areas … Read more


The exploratory analysis performed by Josefina Ovalle, Maja Mawusi and Michał Modelski We present you an exploratory analysis on the New York City’s Citi Bike network in New Jersey. We chose the latest dataset, from October 2024, that gives us data on bike stations, bike types, bike users, and bike usage over time. The choice … Read more

US time use change during and after COVID

ABSTRACT Derived from the 2020 pandemic sanitary measures for Covid-19, Google created the Community Mobility Reports, which provide valuable insights of how people’s mobility changed as a result of the established health policies. The objective of this analysis was to understand how United States residents’ mobility behavior changed over time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. … Read more

The Gòtic Quarter: A Sustainable Economic Model or Not?

Located in the heart of Barcelona, where the history of the city began, the Gòtic Quarter is an iconic neighborhood, we sought to understand its complex dynamics and whether its economic model could truly be called sustainable. From Roman foundations to bustling contemporary streets, the Gòtic Quarter embodies a story of transformation. But behind its … Read more

La Barceloneta: A District in Transition

As part of the Master in City & Technology Introductory Workshop, our team was tasked with studying La Barceloneta, a district characterized by its complex layers of social, economic, architectural, and administrative systems. This project aims to explore these dimensions, highlighting the interactions between tourism and the local community in one of Barcelona’s most iconic … Read more

Urban Insights: Leveraging Open Data for Smart Property Rate Predictions

1.0 Concept In the evolving landscape of urban development, property rates are influenced by numerous factors, including geographical, socio-economic, and infrastructural elements. Our project, “Urban Insights: Leveraging Open Data for Smart Property Rate Predictions,” aims to create an intelligent, data-driven model to forecast property rates. This model utilizes features such as wards, property types, and … Read more

Mediación de la Paz Urbana: Ideando un Campus-Parque para la Auto-Fabricación en San José de Costa Rica, CA.

La formulación de la paz es imposible para el consenso de las masas actuales. Esta misma perspectiva es igualmente negativa en el país que inició el desarme de sus tropas después de la dolorosa II Guerra Mundial y una sangrienta Guerra Civil en 1948, esta es Costa Rica. Una utopía en las américas, una deformada … Read more

Síntesis de Tesis: Neuro Diseño Urbano

Consideraciones del proceso de aprendizaje y resolución final. La determinación de dominio desde nuestro cuerpo sobre la relación con la realidad, y subsecuentemente con el Entorno. Plantear el Mapa Conceptual con el cual organizar al sistema, de manera de establecer un contrapunto, con el cual desarrollar las propuestas. Establecer una categoría desde donde intervenir, que … Read more

Dataset Our database contains more than 181,000 rows, each with comprehensive information. The primary database includes 17 variables, though not all are necessary for our analysis. The most crucial data points are location (latitude and longitude), type of food establishment, type of inspection, inspection results, and risk level. As the person who uploaded the database … Read more

Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more

Kyoto Blossoms & Tourism Machine Learning

Project Focus For our Graph Machine Learning project, wanted to look at the city of Kyoto and Tourism Behavior around Cherry blossom patterns. Specifically, we set out to find out how cherry blossom patterns might affect the behavior and walking paths of tourists within the city. Data Sets We started by collecting our data sets … Read more

Riverine Alliances

The intensification of human activities has transformed river basins, characterized by the loss of natural floodplains, an increase in impermeable surfaces, and the escalation of surface runoff. This thesis explores the importance of tailoring flood prevention strategies to upstream conditions to aid in flood risk management for downstream urban areas. Specifically, it presents an incentive-based, … Read more