Harnessing Data-Driven Design: A Collaborative Look at Hyper B’s Industrial Team Vision for Urban Farming

Industrial team dedicated to rethinking how we approach urban farming, renewable energy, and multifunctional infrastructure, is leading the charge. Their integrated workflow uses parametric modeling, automated data exchange, and business intelligence (Power BI dashboard) to optimize space usage and resource allocation in urban environments. In this post, we dive into a series of visuals that … Read more


KINXA aims to bring vernacular construction back into contemporary architecture by systemizing traditional “quincha”. At the same time, through a redesigned material system, KINXA seeks to take advantage of local resources and lower even more its precedent carbon footprint.  Quincha is a technique prevalent in Latin America which consists of the use of a wood … Read more

Cacau II

For this term experiments and tests were conducted for the evaluation markers of the biocomposite of PLA with different charges of Cacau Seed Shell and the Fabrication performances of each biocomposite charges. Tests on mechanical perfomances such as Tensile Strenght, Flexural Stress and Izod Impact were conducted. Compostability tests were also setup in the range … Read more

Data Handling and Collaborative Workflows: Hyperbuilding-B Data Team

Our BIMSC studio project centers on designing a ‘hyperbuilding’ in Tokyo’s Minato Ward—a self-sustaining development that integrates closed-loop ecological systems like on-site food production, photovoltaic energy generation, and industrial modules. The building includes mixed-use zones for amenities, services, and commerce, all anchored by a transit hub built into a podium above Shinagawa Station, supporting the … Read more


Digital  Transformation  of  Discarded  Logs  for  Structural  and  Design  Applications Re_Shape is a design and innovation project that addresses a major blind spot in the forestry industry: the waste of tree trunks that are curved, bifurcated, or otherwise irregular and therefore excluded from traditional processing systems. These logs are typically downgraded into low-value products like … Read more


What & Why ? OptiBIPV is an app designed to enhance an integrated design approach for photovoltaic facades right from the early design stages. In today’s building design, balancing aesthetics with the growing demand for energy production is more important than ever. OptiBIPV enhances collaboration for a more sustainable environment, helping architects, facade designers, and … Read more


Sobre latencias y oportunidades en el abordaje de la vacancia en la Ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina RESUMEN La problemática de los pasivos urbanos, definidos como terrenos subutilizados o infraestructuras obsoletas dentro del tejido urbano, constituye un fenómeno global con implicaciones territoriales y socioeconómicas a escala local. La expansión urbana no planificada, caracterizada por patrones de … Read more

Máquinas Metabólicas

Hacia una regeneración del territorio arrocero La producción de arroz en la cuenca de la Laguna Merín ha transformado el paisaje, alterando sus ecosistemas culturales, naturales y económicos. La manipulación hidrológica, necesaria para el cultivo, priorizó lo productivo-económico, desecó humedales y alteró los ciclos hidrológicos. La creciente demanda global de alimentos impulsa modelos productivos cada … Read more

The Bodies of [Urban] Finances – Eye of the Bear, the Bull, and the Rat [on]Capitalism

CRITICAL QUESTION: “How can urban planning and architectureactively resist the dominance ofspeculative capital, and instead promoteequitable, community-driven developmentthat prioritizes social cohesion and publiclife over the financialization of space?“ ——————————————————- The city is not just a physical construct of streets and buildings; it functions as a living entity, constantly shifting, shaped by the flows of CAPITAL … Read more

Metabolic building systems: Water – N.E.S.T. Research Center

Introduction: A Water-Smart Timber Research Center The NEST Timber Research Center in Sant Adrià del Besòs, Barcelona, is redefining sustainable water management in urban developments. Designed as an innovative hub for timber research and ecological design, N.E.S.T is focused on material exploration and creating a circular water system that maximizes efficiency, reduces waste, and integrates natural treatment solutions. Water is … Read more

Ecosystemic Structure for a boutique CLT Factory

Our CLT Factory embodies a boutique ethos: modest in scale yet purposeful in intent. Serving as a research and innovation hub for new CLT products, it represents a vision for sustainable work-life integration and thoughtful wood construction, with a commitment to sustainable design practices. In contrast to sprawling industrial complexes, this boutique factory seamlessly integrates … Read more