Daylighting: Recuperación de los arroyos urbanos

La ciudad de Buenos Aires, con su vasta historia de barrios y su notable desarrollo edilicio y cultural, alberga una densa red de arroyos que ha forjado el subsuelo de su territorio y formó parte integral de la vida cotidiana de la sociedad hasta mediados del siglo pasado, momento en el cual comenzó a ser … Read more

Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos

Abstract. ¿Qué oportunidades para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos se están perdiendo al dejar de lado a las personas con Discapacidad, Adultos Mayores, personas del cuidado, infancia, adolescentes y sus familias cuando se trata de diseño urbano? ¿Qué estrategias se pueden precisar para anclar a la escala de las personas de a pie, del mundo … Read more

Living Parts: Architectural Members for the Age of Biology

Transforming Conventional Architectural Element Compositions for CO2 Sequestration/ecological interactions Living Parts is a project that tries to bridge the gap between anthropocentric and nature-centric design. As we already know that that the building industry, in the past couple of centuries has caused major harm to the environment with things like producing toxic waste, waste energy, … Read more

Muerte y vida de ciudades mineras

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro de las infraestructuras existentes y la remediación de su huella ecológica, puesto que, en este contexto, las operaciones mineras están intrínsecamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, entre estos, el recurso hídrico pertenece entre los más afectados, pues en … Read more

Wooden Elegance: Crafting a Timeless Table

AGENDA The objective of this course was to design elements for the upcoming exhibition Macquina Climatica, in Parque de la Ciutadella, renovated to serve as an exhibition space; this historic precursor to the emerging paradigm of urban agriculture is currently under construction. For this course, our group was assigned to design a table 4.5m long … Read more

Minimal Surface Timber Gridshell – Studio

Building Typology Our project focuses on exploring the opportunities and limitations when designing a timber gridshell system with a minimal surface roof structure. Minimal surfaces have a long history in mathematics and architecture, most notably Frei Otto and the infamous soap film experiments. Inspired by Otto’s Munich Olympic Stadium, we were interested to understand how … Read more


Introduction Milan, Northern Italy’s epicenter, confronts economic and environmental challenges rooted in a shift from agriculture to manufacturing. To secure its future, Milan invests in knowledge, tourism, and place-based innovation, relying on revenue from high-income foreigners, students, and the European Union. Strategic efforts to transition to a green economy focus on renewable energy, waste reduction, … Read more


Context Is additive manufacturing going to change the way we fabricate? Certainly it is, additive manufacturing has an immense growth potential with a 22% annual growth as it has offers mass customization and reduced waste. One of the challenges in additive manufacturing is to improve the precision and reliability of the manufacturing process. This can … Read more

GreenScape – Milan

Introduction Known for its fashion, history, and culture, Milan also faces a pressing environmental issue: it stands as one of the most polluted cities in the World. The challenge of mitigating air pollution in Milan is complex, as it is shaped by a mix of geographical, meteorological, socio-economic, and cultural factors. From the city’s dense … Read more

Synergy Station

”Turning waste Into communal wealth”. About the site Sant Adria de Besos Power Station is currently working as a combined cycle thermoelectric plant located in Sant Adrià de Besòs, suburb of Barcelona. Today, the plant burns a significant part of Barcelona and Badalona’s waste, and 85% of which is recyclable. Moreover the gases released when … Read more

Cinturão AgroEcologico

Cinturão Agroecológico

Una solución sostenible para frenar la expansión urbana Contexto En las últimas décadas, la expansión urbana en la Región Metropolitana de Río de Janeiro se ha producido a un ritmo medio de 30 km² al año. La mayor parte de esta expansión ha tenido lugar en asentamientos informales, lo que ha exigido considerables inversiones en … Read more

Introducing need for Bionook

Abstract In response to urgent carbon mitigation challenges and biodiversity loss, a paradigm shift toward manufacturing symbiosis and circular bio-economy is crucial for ecologically sensitive design in urban ecosystems. This study explores the transformative potential of a 3D-printed urban Bionook, incorporating layers of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) with a natural-locally sourced soil admixture, to enhance strength, … Read more

TERRITORIOS SOCIO- PRODUCTIVOS. La Bioeconomía como herramienta de cohesión social y gobernanza multinivel.

“La mundialización de los intercambios constituye el dato esencial de la presente recomposición de la vida económica. Hoy en día hay que pensar en términos planetarios: la producción, el consumo, los intercambios y la relación con el entorno que les corresponde”. [Bertrand Hervieu] La interrelación e interdependencia entre el campo y la ciudad es cada … Read more

Ideas para la Paz

o Corredor Biológico de San José. PROYECTO Se desea expandir el programa del Museo de los Niños a su entorno más inmediato, sus predios y margen del Río Torres, con vistas en la regeneración del borde boscoso existente. A partir de proyectos de reciclaje y agricultura en un modelo de aula abierta vinculado no solo … Read more

Not a Waste: Landfill mine tale

The excessive waste produced in countries worldwide is a grave and unignorable concern. Urbanization contributes to enhanced municipal solid waste generation, harming health and the environment. Landfills, globally emit thousands of tons of methane gas into the air, 30 times more harmful than CO2. Waste is not waste but a resource if managed judiciously. The … Read more

Defining Biocities (Stefano Boeri)

In the process of creating this blog post dedicated to defining a Biocity, I played a crucial role in conducting comprehensive research and contributing to the compilation of a specialized dictionary. As part of a collaborative effort involving students from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), and under the guidance of mentors Honorata … Read more

Vertical Openings

This research focuses on the exploration of vertical openings in 3D printed earthen walls. It seeks to answer the question: How to construct medium and large vertical openings in earth 3D printing, providing a maximum opening ratio while minimizing mass and material usage? The objectives of this research are:

Espacios vacantes en la Ciudad Próxima

Las ciudades han mutado innumerables veces desde su concepción pero, siendo nosotros los seres humanos parte esencial de las mismas toda vez que sin nuestra presencia dichas ciudades no existirían, hemos naturalizado todo aquello que vemos y percibimos, inmersos en una cosmovisión que viene de la mano de las dinámicas urbanas mismas. Si hacemos el … Read more


This project repurposes live-edge wood waste for shingle facade elements, enabling diverse spatial configurations. The goal is a flexible system accommodating varied thickness, length, and geometry of live-edge wood waste. Advanced robotic fabrication and scanning ensure adaptability in design. The focus is on an easily constructed, flexible system utilizing scanning to match live-edge wood, resulting … Read more