Landscape of Consequence

Semi Aerial View

The Architecture of Second Chances Transforming Punishment into Progress Through Computational Design In the evolving discourse of criminal justice reform, the intersection of architecture, technology, and rehabilitation presents unprecedented opportunities to reimagine how we approach incarceration. Our project, “Landscape of Consequence,” proposes a radical reconceptualization of Alcatraz Island, transforming this symbol of isolation into a … Read more

Re (Form) Reality // ITERUM

The Context The prisoner’s journey is an emotional and psychological transformation. The spaces inhabited during this process are designed to mirror the evolving state of mind, fostering introspection and awareness.Architecture becomes a tools to reflect the prisoner’s internal experiences, guiding them through stages of self-realization: as the prisoners confront these emotions within the space, they … Read more

PRIZORB  – Complex Forming

Brief Create a concept for a virtual reality (VR) prison where inmates serve sentences within a modified VR simulation of Alcatraz Island, located in California. Your design reimagines the island prison typology, a longstanding method of separating prisoners into a distinct, isolated space. Although traditional prisons emphasized isolation from society, modern incarceration aims to foster … Read more

Alcatraz under the Sea

Project Brief The Utopian submerged citySome submerged cities are envisioned as utopian societies, thriving under the sea with advanced technology and new ways of living, creating an ideal or harmonious civilization far removed from the troubles of the land-based world.In contrast, others are depicted as dystopian settings, where the survivors of a collapsed society are … Read more

The Re-iterating Maze

The Re-Iterating Maze helps inmates at Alcatraz develop meditative practices through rehabilitation, using their sentence to make a more peaceful existence possible. Our concept allows prisoners a mindful form of exercise, allowing them to use their time outdoors exploring multidimensional pathways. Mindful walking encourages the brain to focus on the activity of traversing a determined path. By … Read more

Re-Thinking Prison

COLOR world _ 1st stage

Concept Re-Thinking Prison explores the potential of virtual spaces to rehabilitate inmates by offering environments that encourage emotional growth and learning. Inspired by Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights, this project envisions three distinct worlds—Color, Nature, and Minimalist—as transformative experiences for inmates. Each world is designed to guide inmates through emotional introspection, mental restoration, and … Read more


* whatisheterotopia? /ˌhɛtəroʊˈtoʊpiə/ noun “The cemetery, as a space of the living and the dead, is a classic example of a heterotopia.” 2.Architecture: A site or design that challenges traditional notions of spatial organization, inviting multiple interpretations and experiences. “The urban park became a heterotopia, a sanctuary from the city’s chaos yet deeply rooted within … Read more


Abstract Prisons are constrained by tangible realities – static physical forms, high-density layouts, lack of amenity and limited access to natural spaces. These constraints are typically a result of inflexible systems and rigid hierarchies with high oversight to keep prisoner behaviour in check, but result in the need for efficient use of space and cost-effectiveness. … Read more


This project is an experiment of connecting Plaça d’Albert Francàs with flora and fauna, giving a prospective of designing for more than humans. This design exercise was built upon the previous workshop “Co-creating Public Spaces”. For more information about the previous proposal, please visit the blog post. In our co-creation project, Spaces of Negotiation, we … Read more


“When light scenography meet architecture” .Manifesto. This pavilion is conceived as an immersive scenographic installation that merges architectural geometry, lighting design, and environmental interaction. At its core, the project explores the dynamic relationship between form, light, and water, transforming the structure into a performative space that engages visitors through a carefully choreographed visual experience. The … Read more


INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING AND PHYSICAL COMPUTING CONCEPT This innovative prototype is designed to automatically adjust the angle of shading in response to changing ambient light conditions, enhancing both comfort and energy efficiency. The project is focused on enhancing energy efficiency, comfort, and usability in architectural spaces by effectively harnessing and optimizing natural light. This approach … Read more

Research : Optimizing Self-Shading in Clay 3D-Printed Geometries

Hypothesis Optimizing Self-Shading in Clay 3D-Printed Geometries Methodology Incidence vector analysis:Using the position of the sun in Barcelona to simulate realistic shading.Evaluation of different vectors and orientations to identify optimal shading configurations.Geometric modification:Create geometric modifications according to vectors at a precise hour, 14:00 on 21 June and then at different hours 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00.Adjusting … Read more


The objective of this assignment is to design a parametric facade that incorporates movable panels. This innovative approach aims to enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the building, allowing for adaptability to various environmental conditions. By exploring the principles of parametric design, we can create a dynamic exterior that responds to changing light, … Read more

Climate Sensitive Facade Intervention for Urban Heat Island Mitigation

Research Questions: Can climate sensitive facade interventions reduce the intensity of the Urban Heat Island effect within urban blocks in arid climates?“ Research Goal: The goal is to propose simplified, climate-sensitive facade interventions in highly urbanized cities that reduce energy loads by mitigating Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects, while complying with climate-resilient regulations. These interventions … Read more