Mediación de la Paz Urbana: Ideando un Campus-Parque para la Auto-Fabricación en San José de Costa Rica, CA.

La formulación de la paz es imposible para el consenso de las masas actuales. Esta misma perspectiva es igualmente negativa en el país que inició el desarme de sus tropas después de la dolorosa II Guerra Mundial y una sangrienta Guerra Civil en 1948, esta es Costa Rica. Una utopía en las américas, una deformada … Read more

Síntesis de Tesis: Neuro Diseño Urbano

Consideraciones del proceso de aprendizaje y resolución final. La determinación de dominio desde nuestro cuerpo sobre la relación con la realidad, y subsecuentemente con el Entorno. Plantear el Mapa Conceptual con el cual organizar al sistema, de manera de establecer un contrapunto, con el cual desarrollar las propuestas. Establecer una categoría desde donde intervenir, que … Read more

Fields at Play

Fields at Play identifies the value of gender inequality in Olympic infrastructure and proposes to leverage the derived $12.6B Olympic gender gap in sports facilities to fund the revitalization and ongoing program of reliable, safe, and comfortable spaces for women at risk of gender-based violence. Understanding the purpose and outcomes of Olympic infrastructure strategies in … Read more


A multidimensional and multiscalar exploration of the emerging Vertical Urban Transportation landscape. [A] INTRODUCTION “Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly-emerging, new sector of the aerospace industry which aims to safely and efficiently integrate highly automated aircraft into the NAS. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies … Read more

Reclaiming the motorway

The motorway was the symbol of progress during the modern age. The car was the central element of the American dream, and then expanded across the globe, transforming the way we live. Over the years, it has become clear that individual conventional cars are not only good for cities: urban motorways often create physical and … Read more


1. Introduction 1.1. Abstract Autonomous Vehicles are vehicles that employ driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator within the vehicle. These new technologies into automation have been researched in contexts like the United States of America, Middle-Eastern Countries and some European Countries. Planners and architects are designing for these cities including … Read more

Ticket to Ride

Mobility Hubs for Edge Cities to Reduce Car Demand Ticket to Ride gamifies public transportation to reduce car trip demand with a single ticket for all rides at the mobility hub: the new heart of the conceptual Edge City. Why the Edge City? The Edge City is a global suburban spatial condition constructed in the … Read more


Cary is a carpooling platform designed for daily commuters travelling from peripheral areas to the city core. Our innovative ride package, flexible scheduling, and advanced matching algorithm connect drivers and passengers from the same area, ensuring unmatched comfort for frequent travellers. Cary helps save time and money while reducing traffic and fostering connections among users.


will update everything after finals : ) ECOVEY is a project of Urban Shift, developed during the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA02) at IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, by students: Anastasija Vidović (IAAC), Alessa Honetschläeger (WU), Killian Karb (HDM) Erik Allmer (TU Wien) faculty: Chiara Farinea, Fiona Demeur & the Urban Shift … Read more

Predicting Biking Station Vacancy in Barcelona

Introduction Urban transportation planning relies on data science to explain the conditions driving mobility patterns. This exploration of bicing, Barcelona’s resident bike rental program, analyzes the actors impacting discrepancies in bicing data to select machine-learning strategies able to predict biking station vacancies across Barcelona for the year 2024 with an accuracy of 0.02387. With this … Read more

Future Cities: Lahore – A Vision for 2050

Where is Lahore? Lahore, the capital city of the Punjab province in Pakistan, is a historic urban center known for its rich culture, vibrant life, and significant economic contributions. Situated near the eastern border with India, Lahore stands as a testament to centuries of evolution, from a small walled city to a sprawling metropolis. As … Read more

Thirst For Change

Abstract Latin America finds itself at a crossroads, facing a tightening grip from a seemingly paradoxical situation: a growing scarcity of water amidst regions prone to both droughts and floods. This foundational story explores the current and future drought conditions gripping the continent, highlighting the environmental, social, and economic challenges at play. Introduction Understanding the … Read more

Rising Waters

The year is 2100. Latin America is sinking. Due to global warming the polar icecaps have almost melted completely. In addition the increased temperature has caused the global water mass to expand by almost 1%. As a consequence sea levels are rising at unprecedented levels globally. The coastline in South America is hard-hit by these … Read more

Subterranean Eden: Martian Harvest Halls

“An innovative way for agriculture on Mars, pushing boundaries of space exploration ensuring future interplanetary habitation.” Mars—the Red Planet—is getting closer. According to the experts, human settlements on Mars might be visible in ten years, allowing for more space exploration. Keeping that in mind, this semester’s goal is to create a 300-person Mars colony. The … Read more

From following instructions to autonomy

The project started with an experiment to see if an agent could follow a line and illuminate its path to see obstacles. The light is composed of isovits and only the ones in front of the agent are colored. The experiment went then to make the light 3D to illuminate buildings facades. Many approaches were … Read more


Tackling the Internet of People through Fortifying & Diversifying the economy in Viladecans, Spain Introduction Viladecans is a dynamic and thriving municipality with a rich history, diverse economy, and vibrant community life. Its strategic location, economic opportunities, and quality of life make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit in the Barcelona metropolitan … Read more

Red de Sistemas de Circuitos Terapéuticos para la Movilidad Autónoma

Como una de las estrategias de Intervención de los Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos. “Red de circuitos de Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos, para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos en la comuna de La Florida, Chile” ¿Qué pueden aportar para la recuperación de los espacios públicos, las personas que se les denomina con Movilidad Reducida o con … Read more

Urban Impact Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of urbanization, migration towards cities is an undeniable trend. With this migration comes a myriad of challenges, notably the exponential rise in land costs and the often haphazard nature of urban development. As cities expand, there’s a pressing need for thoughtful and strategic construction that not only addresses the demands of … Read more

The Climate Paradox

COP is a climate conference that aims to cut emissions but paradoxically boost carbon footprints due to increased transport and attendance. This situation offers host cities a chance to engage in greenwashing, presenting a façade of environmental responsibility. This underscores the intricate challenges involved in realizing true sustainability during major events, highlighting the need for … Read more

Hyperenergetic Viladecans

By 2100, the global temperature is forecasted to increase from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius due the effects of Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Human Activities. The City of Viladecans has developed a Vision by 2030 which expects the city to become EMISSIONS NEUTRAL, and EMISSIONS NEGATIVE by 2050. For approaching this goal, HYPENERGETIC VILADECANS establishes … Read more


Integrating Radiation Shielding for a Safe and Sustainable Urban Environment Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov