Turbulence and Regeneration

The chosen site is the intersection of the Besòs River in Barcelona with the Mediterranean Sea. This location serves as a convergence point for different natural ecologies, as well as being impacted by human activities, such as the electrical industry with outlets into the river. Therefore, the site provides a perfect theater to visualize, not … Read more


Site Explore History of the Plànol del Ciutat Vella (Barcelona) Species found in Parc de la Ciutadella Tree trunk sample(Macro VS Micro) Moss(Macro VS Micro) Organic composite waste(Macro VS Micro) Tree bark(Macro VS Micro) Dry sand(Macro VS Micro) VR landscape Video

Future Cities: Lahore – A Vision for 2050

Where is Lahore? Lahore, the capital city of the Punjab province in Pakistan, is a historic urban center known for its rich culture, vibrant life, and significant economic contributions. Situated near the eastern border with India, Lahore stands as a testament to centuries of evolution, from a small walled city to a sprawling metropolis. As … Read more


Metagrid represents a new way to explore urbanism, tailored for the context and its stakeholders. This project redefines ‘Agriculture’ to encompass not only the process of production but also broader elements like programs, solicitations, patterns, matters, behaviors, and networks, enabling innovative, open strategic approaches. Metagrid aims to reactivate Parc Agrari in Llobregat through Land Art, … Read more


This is the site, Llobregat Delta area. You can see the map, Pink and Red area. Pink is exisitng Agriculture area and Red is Abundant area which is cultivated in the past.The number of abundant areas is increasing little by little in Llobregat. Our proposal, we think what we can design this area. These is … Read more

Thirst For Change

Abstract Latin America finds itself at a crossroads, facing a tightening grip from a seemingly paradoxical situation: a growing scarcity of water amidst regions prone to both droughts and floods. This foundational story explores the current and future drought conditions gripping the continent, highlighting the environmental, social, and economic challenges at play. Introduction Understanding the … Read more

Torrents of change

Introduction: Shorter & Sharper Events Imagine the persistent drumming of rain against your window. Not the comforting tapping of a spring shower, but a relentless torrent that seems to prolong for days. This isn’t science fiction, but a glimpse into the potential future of many Latin American cities. A staggering 40% of the region is … Read more

Rising Waters

The year is 2100. Latin America is sinking. Due to global warming the polar icecaps have almost melted completely. In addition the increased temperature has caused the global water mass to expand by almost 1%. As a consequence sea levels are rising at unprecedented levels globally. The coastline in South America is hard-hit by these … Read more

Merging with the nature

Concept For the final exercise in complex forming we were asked to developed a museum for wildlife by using one of the concepts introduced during the 1st term. We choose to work with VOXELISATON. Methodological Approach to Design and Form-Finding Our project commenced with a systematic approach, encompassing several critical stages: Pseudo Code – Structural … Read more


WHY USE RECLAIMED WOOD RESEARCH Reclaimed wood is a sustainable and unique material that can be used in almost any project. It offers strength, character, and originality that you cannot find with any other building material. It helps preserve the past while upcycling materials that would otherwise go to waste. TYPE – WOOD-PALLETS Mapping the … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS.Estrategias territoriales para una nueva imagen del Cerro de Pasco, Perú – 2045

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incierto de la ciudad y/o contexto socio urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsicamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, como también, a la violación de los … Read more


This blog describes and showcases the second-term research and prototyping for Bionook. Research Topic: Investigating the Synergistic Potential Between Additive Manufacturing Methods and Engineered Timber in Reshaping Urban Design Paradigms. This research delves into precisely integrating sawdust and orange peels as industrial by-product additives for Soil Additive Manufacturing and locally sourced Engineered Timber, synergizing them … Read more

Computing Movements of an Urban Square

The research project imagined a tile of a underused urban plaza as a square-based petri dish to test the movement of points within the tiled surface. By defining a number of points within the geometry of the area, the density of tiles would decrease, relative to the closest point. The membrane between the ground plane … Read more

UpGreen by Eva Papaspyrou

Plant generation web application. Flora compositions for landscape architecture

About Upgreen is an innovative web application designed to revolutionize biodiversity-centered design in both architectural practice and everyday life. Developed by Eva Papaspyrou, Upgreen serves as a comprehensive tool for managing plant data and optimizing green spaces at various scales. Whether you’re a professional in the field or an environmentally conscious individual, Upgreen offers a … Read more

“Parque de la Autoconstrucción para la Paz en ciudad de San José de Costa Rica. “

“Architecture is Not the Knowledge of Form but a Form of Knowledge.” -TSCHUMI Antes de iniciar en el difícil talento de puntualizar, me veo obligado a preceder una serie de importantes aspectos. Explico lo que explicaré. El presente texto, ilustra una serie de pequeñas intervenciones para el manejo de residuos sólidos urbanos y exploración de … Read more

EleMental Mars

Embracing community living and relaxation as essential components to overcome the challenges of life on the Red Planet. In the prospective colonization of Mars, Meditation and Wellbeing were identified as key elements to endure life far from Earth. During the research, the concept of the Japanese Pagoda, a vertical structure that encompasses the five elements … Read more

Corredor AgroEcológico

Contextualización En las últimas décadas, la expansión urbana en la Región Metropolitana de Río de Janeiro se ha producido a un ritmo promedio de 30 km² por año. La mayor parte de esta expansión se ha producido en asentamientos informales, lo que ha exigido una inversión considerable en infraestructuras y equipamientos urbanos. Evolución de la … Read more

VeloVerd La Verneda: Urban Synthesis

Incorporating the principles of Industry 4.0, our architectural project redefines urban living by seamlessly integrating sustainable design strategies with advanced manufacturing techniques. With a focus on promoting bicycle culture and health, our industry manufactures bikes. In this module, we synthesised the previous modules into a holistic design. The design principles from thermodynamics, exosystemic structures, metabolic … Read more


Sculpting on Mars Martian Environment – Human Habitat – Water Production “Well-Nest” is a Mars colony primarily dedicated to water mining and accommodation.We advocate for the development of a comprehensive system aimed at extracting, storing, and circulating water throughout the colony. Low Terrain Slope; Min Risk of Excavation Challenge; Expose to Solar radiation – Gaining … Read more

Estrategias de Resiliencia Hídrica (Zona Metropolitana Tijuana, Mx)

Fuente propia

Como dice el dicho: “Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr”pero… habrá que marcar una diferencia en el “¿cómo la bebemos (usamos)?¿cómo la dejamos correr (regresamos) de manera adecuada?” En una región metropolitana ubicada entre las ciudades espejo de Tijuana y San Diego, se manifiesta una problemática marcada por la explotación industrial de recursos … Read more