Ecologías adaptativas

Proceso para la reconversión del aeropuerto Enrique Olaya Herrera en Medellín Abstract La ciudad de Medellín ha llegado a su límite de expansión.  La presencia del aeropuerto local Enrique Olaya Herrera y su cono de aproximación en el sector sur occidental de este estrecho valle no permite que la ciudad se densifique en las zonas … Read more

Borde entretejido

Antecedente Primer Asentamiento (Destrucción del manglar).Desde su fundación el 4 de octubre de 1540, la ciudad costera de San Francisco de Campeche ha interactuado hegemónicamente con su litoral comprendido por manglar, lomas, tulares y la selva media caducifolia. Este modus operandi se ha perpetuado hasta los días actuales en decisiones del crecimiento y consolidación de … Read more

Designing Empathy

Through Human-Centered Spaces and Experiences In a world that is rapidly urbanizing itself, architecture holds immense power to shape the lives of individuals and how they experience the public space. Yet, architectural design often neglects the various needs of the community it is supposed to serve, leading to alienation and exclusion, particularly for marginalized populations. … Read more

Collaborative Design Studio: Colegi Mare de Déu dels Angels Primary School

LIANA – a nature-inspired play structure that reimagines traditional playground design for primary school children. Drawing from the organic forms, LIANA blends architectural innovation with playfulness to encourage exploration, creativity, and physical activity. Introduction Located in La Sagrera, Barcelona, nestled within the dense urban fabric, is the Colegi Mare De Deu dels Angels primary school … Read more

Collaborative Design Studio : Log Seats

Objective GAIN a comprehensive understanding of collaborative design principles within a community context. EXPLORE stakeholder engagement techniques to assess current usage and gather input for design improvements. DEVELOP innovative solutions that incorporate sustainable practices and local materials. CULTIVATE collaborative skills through group work, leveraging collective knowledge in the design process. ENHANCE communication skills through effective … Read more

First Steps into Fabrication

In the first phase of the discipline of Collaborative Design Studio, our group reimagined the rooftop playground of the primary school of Colegi Mare De Deu dels Angels in Barcelona, focusing on enhancing the children’s well-being. Through site visits, movement mapping, and participatory workshops with students, parents, and teachers, we identified key needs such as … Read more


Abstract The project “Robots as Advertising Agents” explores the integration of robotics in the advertising industry to create dynamic, interactive, and memorable brand experiences. As advertising shifts toward experiential and engaging methods, robots equipped with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, sensors, and communication systems can act as captivating agents that interact with audiences in … Read more


This project focuses on establishing a community-centered public space in Santa Coloma. Situated at Block Illa de Raval, a designated “green finger” of the Pinta Verde initiative, the project seeks to improve accessibility, enhance social engagement, and address infrastructural needs based on local context and community input. HUMAN Research and analysis The research highlighted several … Read more


This project is an experiment of connecting Plaça d’Albert Francàs with flora and fauna, giving a prospective of designing for more than humans. This design exercise was built upon the previous workshop “Co-creating Public Spaces”. For more information about the previous proposal, please visit the blog post. In our co-creation project, Spaces of Negotiation, we … Read more

A more than human Care Hub

Following up on the project from the seminar “Co-creating Public Space”, where we explored the human layer through participatory processes in urban design, we have now ventured into adding a more-than-human layer. This approach challenges us to step out of conventional design thinking and consider perspectives invisible to anthropocentric eyes, enabling us to create a … Read more

Urchin Pavilion

Urchin Pavilion is located at Sant Pere plaza in Barcelona. Between the trees and the statue,  the empty space is used for the pavilion. Entrance points of the pavilion are determined based on the pathways, location of the center dot is the statue at the plaza. Inspirations Sea Urchin Pavilion : Louis Vuitton Pop-Up Analysis … Read more

Irregular Modularity

How can we use irregular elements of reclaimed offcut-timber to  challenge the methodology of using planar, Interlocking and stacking techniques which can then be utilized in the design of forms ? Data CollectionThis first starts with a collection of materials and the creation of a database. This database serves as a resource for the planning … Read more

Urban Complexity: Rethinking Space & Knowledge

01 Reading as Urban InsightIn a rapidly urbanizing world, the ability to read critically across diverse mediums—both digital and print—serves as an indispensable tool for interpreting the complexities of urban theory. Techniques like HYPERREADING, which facilitates navigation through vast digital information, and CLOSE READING, which emphasizes deep textual analysis, are crucial for decoding the nuanced … Read more


Abstract Flows 4 Santa Coloma is a project in the city of Santa Coloma, taking into consideration the Pla Pinta Verde proposed by the municipality of Santa Coloma. The project aims are aligned with the aims of the Pla Pinta Verde of connecting the existing green spaces to bridge the gap created because of the … Read more