Una respuesta modular al problema de la vivienda asequible para los asentamientos informales La vivienda digna debe ser asequible y además, ser vista desde el conjunto a partir de modelos participativos que garanticen la comprensión del tejido social, puesto que más allá de un refugio, simboliza la relación inmediata con otros habitantes, el acceso a … Read more

Regeneración Urbana – Microcentro Porteño

Situación actual de vivienda en CABA. El Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires emite aproximadamente 150 permisos de obra todos los meses, de los cuales, 50 corresponden a obras nuevas de vivienda y sin embargo el tema de falta de viviendas se encuentra en boca de todos. Esta crisis que atraviesa estratos sociales nos … Read more


DESIGN BEHAVIOUR Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov

Democratized design to combat climate catastrophe.

As we move further into the 21st century, our chances of averting climate change have all but disappeared. Analysis shows that global temperatures now sit 1.1? above pre-industrial levels and are set to rise to 1.5? by the early 2030s (Jotzo and Howden, 2023). This rapid increase in temperatures has led to loss of land … Read more

Luminous Echoes Prototype

Movement, light and sound are the 3 essential elements that compose this project. Having in mind the importance and exponential potential of technology in art, “Luminous Echoes” explores the interplay between these elements as an interactive art installation. The installation consists of a darkened room, that when detected presence is lightened by a responsive pattern … Read more

LighTopia: Light up community space with participatory design

LighTopia, a transformative project where the community plays a pivotal role in shaping their public space through the lens of participatory design. In this immersive journey, we invite you to explore our comprehensive methodology, emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and the dynamic synergy between community insights and innovative design. 1. Site Context and Data Analysis: Our journey … Read more


Abstract Trencadís transforms a transitory sidewalk to resident alcoves through the implementation of trencadís, a dynamic mosaic art form that responds to the distinctive needs and material preferences of its creators. The design approach is centered on understanding and reacting to resident preferences to resolve site challenges. Non-descript materiality is replaced with a parametric, pervious … Read more


Interactive Liminalities is an attempt to activate the sensory perception of human interaction in Liminal Spaces, which are transitional spaces, lacking a sense of connect and dialogue due to their functional nature. The idea is to stimulate the space through sensual anomalies. When a user transitions, the detection enabled through ultrasonic sensors, initiate a connection … Read more

An Encounter with a Passage

1. Introduction In the exploration of urban design and its impact on community well-being, “An Encounter with a Passage” delves into the heart of participatory design. This project revolves around the central question of integrating green spaces in urban settings, not just as an aesthetic feature but as a core element of community identity and … Read more


Concept Automatic feeder for stray cats In today’s world, homeless animals are often invisible in everyday life and often suffer from the harsh conditions of urban life. Such homeless animals in many cities are cats, which have always played an important role in people’s lives, having a positive impact on our health and emotional state.  … Read more


HARMONIC HARMONY – IR REMOTE MUSIC SYNTHESISER INTRODUCTION : In a symphony of technology, my Arduino project, “Harmonic Harmony” seamlessly combines the realms of sound and light through the enchanting collaboration of a passive buzzer, LEDs and the magic of infrared signals. This innovative creation transforms signals from an IR remote into a melodic masterpiece, … Read more

The Be(a)ver_ages

Auto detective feeding mechanism Concept This project aligns with studio design, aiming to facilitate the re-establishment of beaver territories in a specific area.  The device integrates motion sensors and sound detection to identify the presence of beavers and dispense food accordingly, represented by a servo motor with LED lights indicating food dispensing.  Simultaneously, an LCD … Read more

Navigating Inequality

Introduction Wealth disparity leads to social and economic challenges resulting in social exclusion. 21.6% of population in the EU are at risk of social exclusion. A study confirmed that 61.7% of socially excluded people tend to be segregated. Understanding the origin of the word Segregation – initially used to set sheep apart from the flock, … Read more


How to imagine Walter Benjamin’s notion of Aura in the field of NFT art? In the heart of Barcelona, the Moco Museum hosts a groundbreaking NFT art auction, igniting a heated debate about the concept of aura in the digital realm. Dr. Alexandra, a nostalgic art curator, Leo, a proud copycat artist, Max, a wealthy … Read more

Superblock BCN

A Multidimensional Study of the Superilla My research starts from observing human behaviour. Often when we face a change in our lives, especially when it wasn’t planned, we feel resistance and it takes time before we accept and embrace it.  As you probably know Barcelona in the last few years lived some changes in its … Read more


El sistema alimentario como pilar estratégico para el desarrollo urbano de la zona 3, Quetzaltenango. Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen … Read more

Networking Tacarigua

Networking Tacarigua: Modelo de Ciudad en Redes Hidrográficas para Maracay, Venezuela Agua: Fuente de Vida, Problema Urbano El origen de toda la vida puede trazarse hacia el agua. Es un elemento indispensable para la subsistencia de todo organismo que habita el planeta tierra. Para la humanidad, el agua siempre ha estado presente, con la creación … Read more

Modelo Abierto de Transformación Ecosistémica

Sistema abierto de reprogramación de infraestructuras obsoletas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires LA DIMENSIÓN INFRAESTRUCTURAL DEL TIEMPO Entender las ciudades como procesos inacabados y en constantes mutaciones, implica exponer su temporalidad. Ya que el urbanismo y la arquitectura se manifiestan en configuraciones de carácter espacio-temporal, los mismos deberían concebirse a partir de acciones que … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible. Hacia un centro histórico regenerativo.

El casco histórico Ciudad Vieja actualmente cuenta con una gran cantidad de fincas abandonadas y baldíos, es necesario buscar nuevos caminos potenciales para su desarrollo. Ciudad Vieja Comestible busca la reactivación del centro histórico de Montevideo a partir de la alimentación. La alimentación como eje transversal al proyecto, como producción, como materia, como base económica, como … Read more