A través de la Estrategia de RED de Circuitos Terapéuticos Caso de estudio aplicado en la comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2024 1.- Territorio del caso de estudio geográfico: comuna de La Florida, RM, Chile. 2.- ¿es suficiente con EQUIPAR a nuestros Espacios Públicos para obtener calidad de vida? ¿Qué está detrás de las … Read more

COMUNIDAD FRACTAL – Rehabilitación de la vivienda de interés social en El Salvador

Diversos complejos multifamiliares de interés social en El Salvador, construidos en los años 50’s por el Instituto de Vivienda Urbana (IVU), actualmente se enfrentan a condiciones de deterioro debido a la situación de abandono a consecuencia de la posguerra, la cual propició un alza en la migración y el desempleo, traduciéndose a un estado de … Read more

Shape it, feel it

Working in 3D CAD environments can be restrictive. While most CAD software provides tools for creating shapes and generating ideas, they often rely on a mouse and keyboard, or are very expensive. “Shape it, Feel it” investigates opportunities to generate shapes using a computer’s webcam and hand gestures. We utilize cheap and readily available hardware … Read more

Very Many

Design References Design Simulations Cladding Composition The Sandwich Panel is a combination of a top 6mm Polycarbonate Sheet with Dry Insulation and Cork forming our inner layers and to finish it off with a 6mm thk Polycarbonate Sheet at the bottom. Fabrication Process Using plywood as a base for dowels, which would serve as lateral … Read more

Future Cities: Lahore – A Vision for 2050

Where is Lahore? Lahore, the capital city of the Punjab province in Pakistan, is a historic urban center known for its rich culture, vibrant life, and significant economic contributions. Situated near the eastern border with India, Lahore stands as a testament to centuries of evolution, from a small walled city to a sprawling metropolis. As … Read more

Dhaka City’s Urban Nexus

Dhaka, the bustling capital of Bangladesh is at a critical juncture in its urban development. With a population exceeding 10.4 million, the city faces significant challenges in housing, transportation, and environmental sustainability. This project is a part of a comparative analysis done by the students, understanding these challenges under the framework of SDG 11 – … Read more

Wired Warriors

Aim “Create a range of robotic mini-games showcasing dexterity and quick reflexes, ideal for casual enjoyment.“ For this one week workshop, we drew inspiration from various games such as infinite passes, penalty shootouts, and boxing, aiming to adapt them for robotic play. Initially leaning towards infinite passes (football), we ultimately found boxing more compatible with … Read more

Red de Sistemas de Circuitos Terapéuticos para la Movilidad Autónoma

Como una de las estrategias de Intervención de los Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos. “Red de circuitos de Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos, para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos en la comuna de La Florida, Chile” ¿Qué pueden aportar para la recuperación de los espacios públicos, las personas que se les denomina con Movilidad Reducida o con … Read more

Rain Catcher

Concept The idea “Rain Catcher” tackles this challenge head-on by introducing a web application for a sustainable solution Testing platform. These aren’t your average rain shelters; they’re sophisticated rainwater harvesting systems designed to capture and store this valuable resource. Rain Catcher might help cities to transform a potential burden – rainwater – into a valuable … Read more


NOISENSE emerges as a dynamic tool that facilitates the visualization of otherwise visually imperceptible phenomena within spaces. Through sound simulation and virtual prototyping techniques, NOISENSE aims to go beyond the limitations of human auditory perception, thereby enabling the visualization and replication of sound atmospheres. By conceptualizing sound as a spatial field, the online app allows … Read more


Concept In this custom webapp, we seriously (and jokingly) consider and design for the non-human. While walking my dog, Lumen, and thinking about this project, I noticed how he always picks up a stick and brings it home. This brings him happiness and reason to behave while on our walks. In the spirit of thinking … Read more

COMUNIDAD FRACTAL – de la vivienda próxima a la comunidad de bienestar

De niña, me preguntaba porque la vivienda social en mi país era tan pequeña, carente de calidad y descentralizada. En El Salvador, diversos complejos habitacionales de interés social, construidos entre 1952 y 1974 por el Instituto de Vivienda Urbana (IVU) creado por el Estado, enfrentan actualmente condiciones de deterioro y abandono. Esta situación contribuye a … Read more


Balloon-Driven Spatial Alteration Phenomenon: What is Pressure? Pressure and Volume are inversely relatable. When one quantity increases, the other decreases proportionally. If the volume of the space is increased, the pressure inside the volume is decreased. This is applied in pneumatic structures and building environments to balance the indoor environment and structural stability.  Our project … Read more

Hyperenergetic Viladecans

By 2100, the global temperature is forecasted to increase from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius due the effects of Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Human Activities. The City of Viladecans has developed a Vision by 2030 which expects the city to become EMISSIONS NEUTRAL, and EMISSIONS NEGATIVE by 2050. For approaching this goal, HYPENERGETIC VILADECANS establishes … Read more