Party to live or live to party?

a story about Spanish festivals Does it possible to party all year long from festival to festival throughout Spain? The story starts from the New Year holiday at the 1st of January For the better clusterisation we will use administrative division of Spain in autonomous communities (comunidades) and provinces. Each province of Spain has its … Read more


An Exploration of the Epidemic of Femicide “How many more women must fall victims before we recognize that femicide is a real and pressing social problem that demands our attention? Despite its significance, many people are still unfamiliar with the term. Femicide is the ‘the intentional killing of a woman because of her gender‘. It … Read more

The Geography of Substance Use.

A Visual Story by: According to World Health Organization, 1/5 adolescents engage in some form of substance use. The Question of 100 School Phycologists: How planning could contribute towards the understanding of geographic patterns of substance use in order to distribute human resources all around the country? This visual story, seeks to explore the geographical … Read more

Thermal Rhythm

 An interactive art installation that utilizes thermal imaging and real-time animation to create a captivating visual experience. The general aim of the project “Thermal Rhythm” was to generate an interactive art-wall in complete darkness which translates the human body movements into animations that controls or visualizes the emotions of the detected person through different colors … Read more

Stickers in Barcelona, el Gotico

Objective The objective of the project is to create a database of stickers located in the district of Gotico, Barcelona by collecting geolocated photos, analyzing & sorting them by machine learning and further research to then create a framework for evaluating and improving local economy, artists and political movements marketing strategies. Strategy By collecting geolocated … Read more

From Scans to Mesh: Exploring ROS and MoveIt

During the seminar, we explored the core concepts of ROS (Robotic Operating System), its vital tools, and the seamless integration of Python for interacting with robots. With this integration, we effortlessly processed sensor data and exercised control over the UR10e robot, which served as our platform for the seminar. Through practical exercises, we gained hands-on … Read more

Scanning to compare clay bricks: Digital vs Real

In this course we learned about the Robotic Operating System (ROS) and the MoveIt motion planning using Python for controlling robots. We also utilized development tools such as Git and Docker for managing the data. We learned about different types of sensors which helped for the robot’s motion visualization and scanning for the purpose of … Read more

Decarbonization of Housing Stock in EU

Buildings are an intrinsic part of our lives, where we spend most of our time and unfold as human beings. However, through its different forms, the built environment is responsible for the majority of our energy consumption (around 40 %) and a primary source of greenhouse emissions GHG (around 36 %) (Anderson et al., 2015).  … Read more


The aim of this project is to create a workflow which would help in in the preliminary analysis of physical and materialistic damage using computer vision to enhance sight and successfully pinpoint the defects that can be seen by the camera. The Construction industry follows a very linear approach in terms of usage of materials … Read more


DIGISCAPES ver 1.0 is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.


The efficient utilization of forestry products plays a vital role in sustaining industries such as construction and furniture manufacturing. To meet the demands of mass production, raw materials undergo a process of standardization, enabling streamlined operations and increased output. However, this standardization process results in the generation of valuable by-products such as planar offcuts. These … Read more

Computer vision and AI in the Additive Manufacturing process

How can we improve the additive manufacturing process? According to a panel of experts, this process is not perfect. There are several issues on it, like the time that they normally spend prototyping to have “the perfect piece”.  This involves different parameters like speed, pressure, Material Consistency, the calibration of the robot, etc.  In most … Read more

A good worker has good taste in food!!

Some Japanese monk said “Eat well, work hard, and sleep well. This harmony is the basis of a good spirit.”From this maximum, I assumed the cities with a good work-life balance, have many delicious restaurants. Subject goal In this class, I make the graph from the open data by Pthon. Hypothesis There are many restaurants … Read more

Deaths from air pollution in Central Europe

Air pollution- the combination of outdoor and indoor particulate matter, and ozone– causes more than 7 million deaths each year (World Health Organisation) and it is considered to be one of the world’s largest health and environmental problems. The same data shows that 99% of the world population currently live in places with air quality … Read more

Healthcare BCN

Understanding and analysing the existing Healthcare system of Barcelona with the help of open datasets available. This further helps us to understand the robustness, need and requirement to fill the gaps in the system if any with respect to their typologies and location as per districts Step 1: Documenting the distribution of different types of … Read more

Limitearth Project

The annual construction waste is expected to reach 2.2 billion tons gobally by 2025, to try to solve this kind of problems in this sector we can use the Additive Manufacturing fot the optimization of Fabrication and construction. Key advantages of AM By 2020, the AM sector will grow up to a €13.4 billion industry … Read more

Birds and weather connectivity

This project was carried out to support research on the relationship between bird populations and natural conditions in the province of Barcelona, Catalonia. In conclusion, the most frequently observed migratory bird Cattle Egret in the province of Barcelona was identified and the rainiest time of the year is spring (month – April) when its migrating … Read more

Big Data Analytics in the Airline Industry

The case of Greece The air connections constitute critical components of the entire transportation industry in Greece. The geopolitical position of the country as well as its geographical features (mountainous landscape, islands and sea) make the air transport industry essential not only to the regional development and the growth of tourist activity, that comprises a … Read more

Correlation of real estate prices and income in USA

There are over 40,000 ZIP codes in the United States. Categorization by states and ZIP codes in order to compare data, find distinctive features and intercorrelations, and put data on map. VIsualization performed by Python, Plotly Express, Folium. In order to simplify tasks the dataset of 12 North East states is used.

Stapler of Art

A Stapler Gun End Effector Description The project aims to deal with art in new different techniques that keeps up with the technology by getting the best of the robotic arm in a way to create staple art pieces that can achieve new ways of art depending on the robots. The main idea evolved around … Read more

Fun facts about Oscar and film industry

Every February, film lovers would be expecting where would the Oscar Awards go to. Academy Awards, known as Oscar has gone through 94 years, encouraging the workers as well as the industry developing. When we go back to the data about Oscar and the film production industry, we can find some interesting facts. I collected … Read more